Almost weekend time!! Just one more day to go. Today was better than yesterday, at least in the morning. The girls have a hard time working independently and even though I would love for them to work with partners they just can’t right now because they talk too much. I am even tired of the translating in Arabic. For the most part they understand what I am saying, or at least what I mean. They may not know exactly what I am saying, but they understand the tone of voice and that they are doing something that they shouldn’t be doing. I don’t want the other girls to translate everything in Arabic all the time. Yes, it’s ok sometimes but I am tired of the constant translating. I can understand the need for it when they are trying to do an assignment, but when I want them to sit down and be quiet; they totally understand that in English.
There was a big HR meeting today. The meeting was scheduled to start at 4:30, but it didn’t start until about 5:30. I am not quite sure what exactly happened at the meeting. I think I will be getting my apartment soon, but I don’t know. I thought that I was going to get the keys tonight, but all I did was sign a piece of paper and fill out a form for my UAE ID card. I think I should be getting my passport back in a week and I should be getting my furniture allowance in a week as well. But I don’t really know. I think I will just have to be satisfied with the hotel until I get my key and money. Whenever that will be!!! I think, I think, I think…
The biggest issue about the meeting was the way the other teachers acted. Lots of questions were repeated, lots of complaining, lots of talking; just plain rude behavior. Things that I expect my students NOT to do when I’m talking, that’s what the teachers were doing. These are my colleagues and it’s very frustrating. I know I have my moments when I complain and talk during meetings, but I try to keep it quiet and I try to listen so if I need to ask a question I don’t repeat a question that has already been asked 3 times. Loudly complaining about the people who are asking the questions is just as bad as being the one who is asking the questions. I totally needed to get away from that room and the people. I tried to go to the gym, but it was packed so Cassie and I just walked around for a while.
It's weekend time!!!!
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