Friday, June 17, 2011

No More Girls

Just a quick update as to how things are going at school and in the UAE in general.  As of Tuesday there have been no girls at school; well not really no girls I guess there were about 10-15 each day although I'm not sure what they're doing with them.  So although the official end of school is June 23rd they have stopped coming.  I'm not really sure what was so significant about Tuesday June 14th, but I guess that's when the parents thought that school should end!  So I've been working in my rooms and trying to get things, but trying to work slow.  I have a hard time with that.  I always finished the end of the year stuff before the last workday.  And that was when I only 3 workdays at the end of the year.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do with a month of workdays!  It's weird, because they don't give us any days during the year to work and only 1 week before school starts, so why 3 weeks after school ends?  What in the world am I supposed to do?  I got too many things crossed off my list already and that's after only 2 days.

Now that school is done I am ready to come home.   Feeling homesick again.  I know it's because it's the end and it's almost time for me to come home, but I want to go home NOW.  One more month+  I haven't gotten my ticket yet so I'm not really sure when I'll be leaving but it'll be sometime around July 24th.  I'm tired of school, tired of Arabic, tired of Andrea, tired of the heat, tired of roundabouts (I almost got in two accidents on the same roundabout just a few seconds apart; seriously people (not you of course the drivers here) you're supposed to yield to those in the roundabout!!!), and tired of ADEC. 

The latest ADEC decree is that we may not get all our summer money before July!  Yes, they are going to pay us, but it may not be all in one lump sum at the end of June.  The only problem with that is that I hope/need to be in the States at the end of July.  But, if I don't get all my money I will have to wait here until I get paid.  Because what good is that money going to do me sitting in my bank in the UAE when I'm in the USA? 

OK enough complaining.   The lunar eclipse was amazing!  It was amazingly beautiful to see the moon get black and then disappear.  Now, I didn't see the red-orange glow that they said to look for (I don't have a telescope) but it was a sight nonetheless.  It was also pretty amazing to be watching the lunar eclipse from my bedroom balcony in the UAE overlooking Oman.  Not too many people can say that.  OK well all the people living in/near Hili could say that, but you know what I mean!

That's about it.  I will survive until I leave, whenever that may be.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, Sara! I'm feeling the same way, cos it's almost time to go home. I hope I can see you!
