Monday, December 17, 2012

Home for Christmas

Thursday December 13, 2012 was my last day in the UAE for the year!  I flew out of Dubai at 11:05 pm, so I could be home for Ann's wedding and Christmas this year.

Nothing too extreme about the flight home.  It was on time out of Dubai, but it was overbooked (not exactly sure why airlines do that).  They were offering a $400 voucher and a seat on the next flight which would go through Amsterdam; not a direct flight like the one I was on.  I decided not to give up my seat; I just didn't think the offer was all that great.  I mean $400 for an international flight, not good.  Plus the next flight wouldn't be a direct flight.  Now if they would have thrown in an upgrade to business class on the next flight I may have seriously considered it.  The flight to Atlanta was just about as good as a 16 hour flight can be.  There wasn't any turbulence and I had a "comfortable" seat.  I managed to get 5 hours of sleep!  Great!  We arrived in Atlanta at 5:40am and I thought I was going to have to sit on the plane, like I did in the summer when I arrived in DC before customs opened at 6:00.  Evidently that's not the case in Atlanta because they let us off the plane.  Another plus!  The line at customs was quite long, but if I had arrived there 2 minutes later it would have been much longer.  I wasn't worried, I had a 2 1/2 hour layover before my flight to Detroit.  The lady who checked my passport was quite interested in why I went to the UAE to teach and we had a nice conversation which ended in "Welcome home and Merry Christmas!"  What a nice welcome:)  I went to collect my luggage and recheck it to Detroit and then headed for Starbucks (I had a craving for the Peppermint Mocha and I can't get it in the UAE because they don't do the holiday flavors).  I could not find one:(  So I settled for a sausage, egg, and cheese bagel with an orange juice.  At least I had sausage!  I Skyped with my parents while waiting to let them know that I had safely arrived in Atlanta and would be home soon.  The flight to Detroit was also on time and no issues there either.  It was a fully booked flight, but not overbooked.  We arrived early, which is always nice, so I didn't expect Mom and Dad to be there when I got the baggage claim area.  I didn't see Mom so I headed to the bathroom, and who should I see walking out of the bathroom but Mom!!!  Oh how good it was to see her!  You'd think I'd get used to it, but it never grows old and I love being greeted by her at the airport.  It's a great welcome home!!!  We waited for what seemed like quite a long time for my luggage, but it finally arrived and we headed to the door to meet Dad.  Mom went outside to see if he was coming, while I stayed inside.  It was cold!  I know it sounds weird when to say that it was cold when it was actually 43 degrees, but keep in mind that's at least 30 degrees colder than what I'm used to and I didn't have a coat or gloves or anything but my sweatshirt.  When Dad arrived with the van I ran outside, threw my bag in the car, and jumped in the back seat before he even had time to get out and give me a hug!  I wanted to get where it was warm!

Since it was lunchtime we decided to have lunch before heading to Mark's.  We went to Olive Garden.  Yum!!  One of my most favorite restaurants and one that I didn't get to go to when I was home in the summer.  The lasagna was melt in your mouth delicious and it certainly filled me up:)  After lunch we headed to English Gardens to look for poinsettias for Ann's wedding.  She was looking for white poinsettias (which are really yellow, in my opinion) and Mom told her she'd look.  They had them, but Mom decided not to get them and she just told Ann where she could find them.  Good idea, because she really didn't know that white poinsettias were not white.  Let her make the call.  Then it was on to Mark's for a shower before my surprise.

At 3:15 Mom took me to Farley Hills Elementary School to surprise Alexa as her mystery reader for the day.  I arrived while the class was in Spanish and when the teacher went to pick them up I "hid" in the back of the room.  When the kids started coming in the room I walked out and saw Alexa.  She stared at me for a moment (you could tell she was thinking) then she screamed "Aunt Sara!"  "It's Aunt Sara!" and she ran into my arms!  I scooped up my Baby Girl and gave her a hug and kiss.  I didn't want to let her go, but I had to be the mystery reader.  She took my hand and showed me where I was going to sit and she sat with her classmates on the carpet for a bit.  She just couldn't take it so she came and stood next to me and told her classmates "This is Aunt Sara and she lives in Abu Dhabi" (now she usually says that I live in Abu Dhabi camel - which used to be Abu Dhabi hippopotamus - but she must know that it's really only called Abu Dhabi because she didn't say Abu Dhabi camel; very impressed and I wonder how she figured that out!).  She told them that I didn't have my camels anymore (that's another story; I told her I had camels, 3 to be exact, but I had to send them back to the desert when I moved because the new place was too small for camels), but that I still got to see them.  I read the story "The Smallest Hump", a story written by an Emirati author, and throughout the story Alexa was able to make connections because of what I've told her about Abu Dhabi.  Her comprehension is really good!  She told the class about the time that she went to Grandma and Poppy's and had dates (when dates were mentioned in the story).  When I finished the story she came and sat on my lap and called on her classmates who had questions.  Most of them had questions about what the desert is like and what my camels were like and where they live now.  I answered their questions for a bit before I decided it was time to go.  I was taking Alexa with me, so she had to get ready to go.  She introduced me to a few of her friends and then we left.  It's a surprise that I won't forget and I hope she never does either!

Mom was waiting for us in the office and I signed Alexa out and then we went out in the cold.  In the van Alexa said "I just knew it was you!  I knew you were going to be the mystery reader!"  OK how cute is that!!  She had no idea, but still:)  We went to McDonald's for ice-cream and then back to her house for dinner.

I walked into the house excited to see Mason, but he didn't want anything to do with me.  He had no idea who I was and he wouldn't call me Aunt Sara.  When asked to say hi to Aunt Sara all he did was shake his head no.  Even with Alexa telling him who I was, he still wasn't sure.  As the evening progressed and I played with him, he warmed up to me and even allowed me to hold him and kiss him, but I still don't know for sure if he knows who I am.  He would only call me Sara, even though on Skype he calls me Aunt Sara.  I guess to his 2 1/2  year old brain Aunt Sara is only on the computer so there's no way I could can't be Aunt Sara.  I was just glad that he warmed up to me and allowed me to hold him.  He'll get it figured out sooner or later. 

Dinner was pork roast, salad, vegetables, and bread followed by Christmas cookies for desert.  We left shortly after dinner as I was beginning to feel quite tired.  As is typical when I arrive from an international flight I get tired around 7 or 8 and have to go to bed.  I was in bed by 9pm and slept till 9am. 

Saturday Amy and I went to see "The Hobbit" and did some shopping.  I had no idea "The Hobbit" was 3 parts and I was quite disappointed when it ended, but didn't really end.  Although I can't say that I truly enjoyed the movie, I just wanted it to end.  I had read the book a long time ago and really liked it so I thought I would like the movie.  During the movie I thought I was mistaken about liking the book, maybe I didn't really like it.  Oh well, at least it was only $5 instead of the 35Dhs ($9.50) that it would have cost me in Al Ain. 

Besides the movie ticket my first purchase in MI was a winter jacket, gloves, and a hat from Target.  It's cold!  I couldn't find my winter coat so I bought a relatively cheap one so I could spend time outside.  I also got a Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks, but I wasn't too happy with it.  The Coffemate creamer that I put in my coffee that morning was better.  I also got some Christmas shopping done and new shoes before heading to dinner with Mom and Dad at Leo's.  It was another early night followed by nearly 10 hours of sleep (this is typical and it usually only lasts 3 days).

Sunday I went to Lansing for church.  I went to South, the church I went to in college.  It was a very good service entitled Merry Christmas from King David where I was reminded that it's all about Jesus.   Not just Christmas, but everyday.  I met Chad after service and he took me to the 3rd grade classroom where Angie was teaching, as I had plans for lunch with her after church.  Plans changed though because Chad's sister, brother-in-law, and 4 kids were in town so we all had lunch together.  I sort of know Becky and Kent (they were freshmen when I graduated) so it was good to see them and meet their 4 boys.  I did have some brief time with just Angie as I took her home before I headed to Michelle and Dave's.  I had a nice short visit with the Seavey's before they had to leave for their Christmas program.  I didn't stay for the program, even though they all asked if I was going to watch them sing.  I was beginning to feel quite tired and it was only 4:00.  I had already told Michelle that I wasn't going to be able to stay because I knew I wouldn't be able to drive home after the event.  I got home just in time for dinner - pot roast with potatoes and carrots.  Yummy!!  I love coming home to home cooked meals; Dad is a great cook!!  I didn't last much past dinner though.  Maybe the driving wore me out, but I was in bed by 8:30. 

Monday morning I woke up ready to go at 6:30.  I hope I'm done with this jet-lag business!  All on my agenda today was to make Snickerdoodles.  Done!  They are delicious:)  My second favorite Christmas cookies are ready!   Now all Mom has to do is make the candy canes.  After the disaster I had last year I won't be making them for quite some time!  Dinner is at Ann and Harry's tonight as I practice my speech for the wedding.  Hopefully I don't fall asleep at Ann's!!

Still waiting for snow!

Just for fun
  • 45 degrees at 2:00pm in MI
  • 63 degrees at 11:00 pm in Al Ain

Friday, December 7, 2012

Wadi Adventure

How do you introduce the topic of waves to a group of 4th grade students?  Simple, you take them to Wadi Adventure in Al Ain.  Now I must admit that prior to going on this field trip I didn't think it was the brightest idea, but the background knowledge these kids now have about waves is going to help tremendously when I introduce the concept next week.

We got to the park around 9:00 as they had graciously agreed to open an hour early for us.  The kids were ecstatic as they got off the bus and rushed to the entrance, only to find the doors locked!  What in the world was going on?  They knew we were coming and they were supposedly prepared to open at 9:00.  All I can say is lack of communication.  The booking department didn't communicate this information with the security guard who is responsible for opening the door (yes, you can only have one person who can open the door).  The security guard finally opens the door and we get the kids processed, which was a total nightmare as each child needed 3 wristbands and a "watch".  No problem if the kids could put them on themselves or have a friend help them, but that was not the case.  Most of them needed help and there just weren't enough adults.  We get them all "banded" and into the changing room so the adventure could begin.

Our first activity was body boarding.  Fun!  The kids had a blast playing in the water and the brave ones managed to slip and slide (the ground was quite slippery) their way to the deeper water where they could actually experience body boarding.  Kevin (the other teacher that went with me) and I helped the kids get on their boards and enjoy the waves, as well as grabbing the ones that were floating the wrong way.  After about 15 minutes of this, Kevin impressed us with his surfing ability and then we began the process of herding the kids out of the water so we could move on to activity two.

Whitewater rafting!  Amazingly fun!  The park has 3 courses, but we only did 2 of them.  Level 1 was quite easy and a great way to start off.  I was with a group of girls who did a great job of paddling and following the guide's instructions.  As we breezed through level 1, he decided that we could try level 2.  The girls were all for it, so we proceeded to the next level where he told us we could try what was called "surfing" which is when he puts the boat horizontal in the rapids and it fills with water.  Noura wasn't sure she wanted to try this so we opted out.  Then peer pressure set in and Noura changed her mind.  They weren't mean or anything, they just wanted to try and convinced Noura that it would be ok.  So we paddled to the next set of rapids and "got down" so we could begin "surfing."   We got drenched as one side of the boat went up and the other went down into the rapids.  This scared Shaikha after a while and she cried out "enough" so I told the guide to stop.  But instead of stopping he just switched sides so the side that was in the rapids would be up and the rest of us would get soaked.  This helped Shaikha for a bit, but she eventually had enough so the guide began the process of getting us back on course.  He couldn't do it!  We were stuck in the rapids!  This was not good as Shaikha was pretty hysterical at this point.  There was a lifeguard on the side who threw a rope and pulled the boat out of the rapids.  We got out, Shaikha got calmed down, and we continued the rest of the course.  We got to the end of the course and were offered the chance to go again.  All the girls agreed and even Shaikha wanted to do the "surfing" again.  There was no time for that so we just went quickly through the course one last time before heading to activity three.

Air park!  Oh my gosh, how terrifying yet awesome at the same time!  The air park consists of two levels of obstacle courses and a zip line.  The agreement was I would take 1/2 the group to level 2 while Kevin took the other 1/2 to level 3 and then we would switch.  I wasn't too thrilled about level 2 let alone level 3!  Although I did admit that I was scared (I think it's important that kids know how you're feeling, especially when it comes to fear) I was ready to try, but I did tell Kevin that I was only going to do level 2.  I get hooked in and the instructor tells me to go out and walk on the rope.  "Walk on the rope!  I can't walk on the rope!"  Slowly and tentatively I begin my journey on the rope.  Shaikha and Al Reem follow.  No problem.  We make it to the platform and rest before walking on another rope that has fewer ropes to hold on to.  This one was a bit harder, but it turns out I can walk on a rope!  The next obstacle was to walk on vertically hanging logs.  This one was a bit harder and it gave Shaikha a hard time.  She didn't think she could do it, but after some encouragement she crossed the logs and made it to the next obstacle which was to walk across a long horizontal log.  No problem for any of us.  Almost done!  Now we had to walk on a horizontal log and jump to another one.  A bit harder, but manageable for me as I have long arms and legs.  Not as easy for the kids though.  They could do the first one but as soon as they jumped to the next one and didn't make it they were stuck.  Their legs just couldn't reach the log and they couldn't reach the rope with their hands.  Most of them were ok with this and they kicked and lunged forward to gain momentum, but I had to go back and help Shaikha.  Two more obstacles left and they were the easiest two.  Just walking on a platform and then a jump to the next one followed by walking along a climbing wall.  No problem!  All 3 of us made it safely to end!!  We got unhooked and I was ready to head back down to the ground when I heard Mariam and Reeda say "Miss you go first."  What?!  Go first where?  They of course wanted me to get them started.  Thing is once you get out on the course you can't turn around.  So here goes round two.  OK it should be easier now, right?  Wrong!  Mariam was terrified and I had to literally pull her along most of the course.  There was lots of encouragement from me and Reeda, but that didn't work.  She just froze.  At one point I didn't know what to do anymore so I began praying for her and telling her that I was praying for her.  Trying to give her the strength to walk out on the vertically hanging logs.  She took a step, but froze so I went back and that's when she clung to me and I had to pull her to the next platform.  Now I have to mention that Mariam is one of my biggest students and I was tired and in a bit of pain from the harness.  But God gave me the strength through adrenaline to get her to the next platform.  Once there we rested, but only for a short time because Reeda was amazingly fast and there could only be 2 people on a platform at a time so we had to move quickly.  I began showing Mariam how to do the next obstacle, but again it ended up with me getting to the end of the obstacle and then going back to pull Mariam along.  She was able to do the last two on her own with just a bit of encouragement from me and at the platform before the last obstacle I told her I was so proud of her and almost stared crying.  She was doing amazing!  We made it to the end and nearly collapsed as the instructor took our harnesses off so we could head upstairs and do the zip line  I didn't get that far before I looked at Meera.  She wanted to try, but I could tell she was a bit scared.  So I asked her if she wanted me to go with her and she replied only if you want to.  I told her that I didn't want to, but I would if she wanted me to go.  That was enough for her and she said "you go first."  Round 3!!  Adrenaline kept me going as the instructor hooked me and the three Meera's up so we could begin the course.  As I was only able to help the first Meera I told the other 2 that they would have to help each other.  No problem.  Meera (in my class) was first and she needed the most help.  There were a few obstacles where I had to go back and offer her my hand, but I didn't have to pull her like I had to do with Mariam.  There was one point when the second Meera froze and began to cry.  I was stuck.  There was nothing I could do; I was blocked by the first Meera.  I began encouraging her and trying to explain how to do the obstacle, but I couldn't show her because that would mean making the first Meera do it again and this obstacle caused her a lot of difficulty as well.  So I had to have the third Meera talk to her and encourage her.  And it was amazing!  Meera number 3 began talking to and encouraging Meera number 2 while Meera number 1 was ready to go back (I couldn't believe it, she was going to go back after she struggled) and get Meera number 2!!  Wow!  What amazing cooperating and concern.  This greatly encouraged Meera number 2 and she began walking on the long horizontal log and she was greeted at the end with a round of applause from both Meera's and me!  This put a huge smile on her face and she was able to finish the course with no problems.  We made it to the end and surprisingly there were no more girls waiting for me.  That meant that I was finished!!  Yeah!  On to the zip line.  Finally!

We climbed up to the fourth floor (past the level 3 obstacle course) and took turns doing the zip line.  That was the best part!  Speeding through the air over the park was a great way to end the day.

We got back to school at 2:35, just in time for our dismissal at 2:45.  While waiting for the kids to leave I made the huge mistake of sitting on the floor.  Vemal (another teacher) looked at me and said "I have never seen you look so tired before!"  I think at this point the adrenaline was wearing off as I began to finally feel pain.  Seriously throughout the entire day I had no pain, other than after the first round of the obstacle course.  I had noticed a pretty nasty scratch on my arm, but I didn't feel it; that is I didn't feel it until I got back to school.  I made it through the rest of the day (which was a planning meeting with the PYP coordinator) and then headed home to rest.  Once home I was completely out of adrenaline and I began shaking and I was starving.  I had an early dinner of pasta and tried to relax on the couch, but I couldn't get comfortable.  My muscles were in such pain.  I pushed myself too hard and I was paying for it.  I do believe it was worth it though as I wanted my students to experience as much of the field trip as they could and they weren't going to do the obstacle course without me.  All part of being a teacher!  I made it an early night, but didn't sleep all that well because every time I moved I was in pain.  The muscle aches are easing, but my arms still ache and it is difficult to get up off the floor (why would I be on the floor you ask, I worked with the preschoolers at church today). 

With all that being said, I can't wait to go back!!  I had a blast and it will be great to experience it with friends!

Just one more week till I'm home for Ann's wedding and Christmas!!  I can't wait:)

Hey, the temp's gone down; it's now 77 degrees at 8:18!

National Day at ENS

Yes, I am a bit late as National Day was a week ago, but better late than never.  I just hope I haven't forgotten too many details!!

So, if you've been following my blog you know that National Day is quite a big holiday here. And you also know how Ammoryiah Primary School celebrates.  Well, ENS ups that by like 1000%.  It's still chaos, but chaos multiplied by like 1000!

Leading up to National Day I was hearing stories from the other 4th grade teachers about how all the kids just run wild and you (as the teacher) just let them.  "Don't try to keep track of your kids, just let them go."  "They will run around the school and between campuses, so you can't keep track of them."  "Just stay hidden in your room and everything will be fine."  "Lock your door.  Boys from the Boys' School wander in the classrooms and use the Internet."  So, with my need to know what is going to happen, you can imagine how I took this news!  I was ready to be sick again.  Anything to avoid this day.  But, I showed up.  I guess part of me wanted to experience it as well!

The schedule for the day started with 8-9 as normal (yeah right:).  There is no such thing as "normal" on National Day; I have figured that out from years past!  I kept my students (I think I had 15) in my classroom until 9 when I was told that I could just set them free to do what they wanted.  That's what I did.  I opened the door and told them to go explore and I would do the same.  They darted out the door and I immediately locked it.  There was no way those boys from the Boys' School would be going in my room. 

I wandered around to see how ENS celebrates this extremely important holiday.  In amongst the running and screaming kids spraying snow spray, blasting horns, and exploding poppers there were Emirati men doing the National Dance, some dressed up local characters having a quiz show with prizes, henna, traditional Emirati food being prepared, falcons, and several tables selling traditional crafts. That was all inside.  Outside there was a huge slide, camel rides, pony rides, goats, birds, the police with motorcycles for the kids to sit on, and a dog show.  I figured that was enough to keep the kids occupied until 1:00 when the buses would leave. 

As I'm exploring outside, Brian, the principal, asks me where my students are.  I tell him I don't know.  He responds by telling me that I need to round them up and keep them together and inside until 11:00.  Really.  That's not what the schedule said.  I did not say that, but that's what I was thinking.  Why in the world would the schedule say that we could let the kids explore after 9:00 if I had to keep them together?  How frustrating.  Now I had to find them all and keep them with me.  Yeah right.  So I began the near impossible task of finding my students and keeping them with me.  As soon as I would find a group and turn to look for another few students several others would wander off.  It was pretty useless.  I got as many as I could and headed over to the dog show.  We watched that for a bit and then went back in the classroom.  The kids were ready for a break. 

Around 10:30 I gather up the children that I have and head to the pod to watch the show that was taking place in the theater and being simulcast to the pod.  Thing is you couldn't see or hear anything so it was kind of boring.  After about 15 minutes I gave up, told my kids (those that I could find) to have fun, and went back to my classroom with Jennifer.  We locked ourselves in and chatted and rested before going out to the cafeteria around 12:00 for lunch.  One more hour and then supposedly all the kids would be gone and I could go at 2:00. 

Happy 41st National Day
with Shamsa
We finished our lunch and I headed back to my classroom to begin the clean up.

The boys - Mohammed, Mubarak, Hamad, and Suhail
The kids had brought cakes, traditional sweets, candy, cookies, sandwiches, bracelets, and pens that were left in the classroom.  Plus there was mess from breakfast that needed to be cleaned up.  Yes, we have cleaners but I figured I should help them out since they would probably be there all night cleaning up the messes in the pods and outside.  So I gathered up the leftovers (which was nearly a whole cake plus lots of other stuff) and took them to reception.  Then I began the task of throwing away half eaten sandwiches, bags of chips, and chocolate.  It was a mess in my classroom, but after about 45 minutes I had it back to it's normal end of the day mess!  No, really it was nice and clean.  The floor just needed to be mopped.
The girls - Mariam, Maitha, Meera, Al Reem, Shaikha, and Noura


Our gift for National Day was that we got to leave at 1:45 instead of 2:00!  Can't complain because usually on a Thursday we can't leave until 3:00.

It's hot here tonight; 81 degrees at 7:15

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hijra New Year and Other Stuff

Before I get into the Islamic New Year and what I did on my long weekend, let me back up to my birthday.  You already know that I got a really nice necklace from one of my students that I had to turn in to the parent care officers.  Well, it turns out that I had to give it back.  That means it must have been really expensive and probably plated in real gold.  I knew it was nice, just not that nice.  The PCOs gave it back to me and told me to give it back to the student.  So I had to explain to Mohammed that although I loved his gift I wasn't allowed to accept it due to school policy.  He looked quite hurt.  The PCOs did say that they would call the mother and explain to her, but I don't know if that got done or not.  I just wish that I wouldn't have had to have told Mohammed.  I think that's something that the PCOs should have done, or at least the principal.  I mean it's their policy, not mine.  Shouldn't they be the one to explain it to a 9 year old?

Hijra New Year.  Islamic New Year.  This holiday celebrates when the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH - peace be upon him; that always follows his name when it's in writing) and his followers made the journey from Mecca to Medina, due to an attempt to assassinate him.  They made this journey in 622 so according to the Islamic calendar it is the year 1434.  Not sure what that has to do with anything because as far as I know they don't use that calendar.  Anyway it's a holiday and we got a day off.  It was scheduled for Wednesday, but thankfully they moved it to Thursday which meant a long weekend.

I started the holiday by cleaning my apartment for my guests.  Kristie, Vanny, and Jane were coming from Dubai to spend Thursday exploring Al Ain.  I picked them up from the bus station at about 10:30pm and then we went grocery shopping.  They hadn't eaten so they bought dinner stuff along with what we needed for breakfast the following morning.  They were surprised by how quiet it was in Al Ain Mall and on the streets.  I must admit I was a bit surprised too.  I mean the mall is usually quite busy at night.  I guess because it was a holiday everyone had already left for Dubai or Abu Dhabi.  We got the shopping done and headed home.  They loved my apartment; mostly because it's like a home.  OK a bit about Filipino accommodation.  Kristie, Vanny, and Jane don't live together but they rent out what's called a "bed space" in a one bedroom flat.  Accommodation isn't provided by their employers so what they do is section off a one bedroom flat into many different "bed spaces."  There can be at least 8 people living in a one bedroom flat in Dubai.  It definitely was an eye opener when I saw where they lived.  So because mine isn't sectioned off it's more like a home and they liked that.  After dinner it was time to figure out sleeping arrangements.  I had thought that one could sleep in the bed with me, one on the couch, and I could take the cushions off the armchairs and put them on the floor for the other one.  Well, they didn't want that.  They all slept on the floor!  These floors are hard and cold!  They are marble tiles.  They laid a blanket on the rug and slept on that.  I was totally embarrassed.  I didn't want them to sleep on the floor.  Talk about being a bad hostess.  They would have nothing of my plan saying that it's Filipino culture to sleep on the floor.  I don't know about that, but I guess if they wanted to who was I to stop them.  So sleeping arrangements were figured out and we went to bed around 2am.  I haven't stayed up that late in a very long time!!!

We had a late start to the day due to the late night.  After we were all up, around 8, Kristie made us breakfast.   She made a huge omelet, fried onions (which of course I didn't eat), toast, and soup (I didn't have any of that either).  But, what I did have was very good!  Then it was time to shower.  That was a process since I only have one bathroom!  Oh well, we made due and had some good fellowship while we waited for everyone to get ready.  Kristie and Vanny wore short shorts, which would turn out to be a problem at the zoo.  I didn't think it would be because we would be outside, but I was wrong.  We got to the zoo around 12:30 and the line for tickets was almost to the road.  Vanny waited in line while the rest of waited for her to get the tickets.  With tickets finally in hand we went to enter the park, only to find out that Vanny and Kristie couldn't enter because of their shorts.  They were told it was a new rule that was being enforced.  Only thing was it wasn't being equally enforced.  As Vanny and Kristie went back to the car to get a shirt to tie around their waist, Jane and I saw many western women with short shorts on.  Evidently it's only being enforced if you're not white.  Kristie and Vanny returned with a shirt tied around their waist and we entered the park.  It was hot, there were lots of people, and they weren't running the train so we didn't stay long.  We saw a few of the highlight animals: white lions, rhinos, hippos, and monkeys along with the tons and tons of gazelle and the bird house before leaving.  Probably not my best experience at the zoo, but I don't think they were comfortable and they were hungry for lunch.

We had Al Noor for lunch!  Of course I had to take them to my favorite restaurant!  They enjoyed it and we had tons of leftovers.  As a matter of fact, I still have leftovers in the fridge.  They probably need to be thrown out now!!  We had the traditional mix grill (lots of different kind of kabobs), hummus, fatoush, foul (beans), and fresh juice.  Yummy!

After lunch we headed to the Rotana to watch "Breaking Dawn 2."  I didn't really want to see this movie, but that's what they wanted to do, so that's what we did.  I knew there was a movie theater at the Rotana, I just didn't know where.  Turns out it's underground!!  Who knew!  The good thing about this movie theater is that it's hardly ever busy.  I think there were about 15 other people in the theater.  So we had our choice of seats.  I thought that I would have difficulty understanding the story since I hadn't read any of the books or seen any of the other movies, but surprisingly I could follow the story line pretty well.  Sorry if any of you reading this are Twilight fans, but I didn't think it was a very good movie. 

We wanted to head to Jebel Hafeet after the movie, but it was 6:30 and that meant it was dark.  Too dark to see anything.  So a trip up the mountain would have been wasted.  So we headed back to the apartment for dinner made by Jane and then entertainment from Kristie, followed by an early night so we could be on the road to Dubai by 8:30.

Friday after church I went with Lucia, Karen (her daughter), and Angel (Karen's friend) to Global Village.  Global Village is a huge bazaar with various countries represented.  Many different countries have an area where they have entertainment and sell handmade crafts from their country.  I bought Christmas presents from Jordan, Turkey, and Africa and a souvenir for myself from India.  It's a really neat experience to be able to see what each country has to offer without leaving the UAE.  Although it is a nice experience I was getting tired of hearing "mashallah" (kind of like wow!) and being stared at by men.  I did turn into a tourist attraction though.  A group of teenage Pakistani boys asked to take my picture with the tallest of their group.  They were nice about it so I obliged.  After that a cute little old lady from Jordan asked for her picture with me.  She was so cute that I had to let her get a picture.  Then an Emirati dad asked if his daughter and son could get a picture with me.  His daughter was 9 and she's quite tall already.  Maybe I should use my height to make money!!  With pictures done we walked around to various countries (Egypt, Kuwait, UAE, KSA, Syria, China, Bahrain, Qatar and other ones) before heading back to Lucia's for the night.  We left Global Village around 11:00 and I was exhausted.  I guess that was the beginning of my sickness, only I didn't know it then.  I just thought I hadn't gotten a lot of rest during the weekend and it was catching up with me.

Saturday morning I took Lucia to the doctor for her bone density exam and then headed home around noon.   I had to go grocery shopping, do laundry, grade papers, and plan and I was still exhausted so I wanted to be in bed early.  About 1/2 way home I realized I was too tired to go grocery shopping so I decided that I would go home and take a nap.  I got home around 2:30 and slept until 5:00 when I forced myself to get up and get some work done.  I looked at the planner and math book and had a little dinner and was back in bed by 8:00.  During all of this I was thinking that I was simply overtired from my long weekend so I didn't really worry about anything.  I figured that I would wake up fine Sunday morning.  Wrong.  I had to fight to make it through the day.  I had a terrible cough and body aches.  Thankfully I made it through the day and headed to LuLu for the groceries that I didn't get on Saturday.  As soon as I got to LuLu the panadol (Tylenol) must have worn off because I was freezing and my whole body ached.  I'm sure I looked like death warmed over as I was walking around LuLu.  I got some soup, pie crusts, yogurt and medicine from the pharmacy and headed home.  It was another early night as I was in bed by 7.  As long as the panadol was working I was fine, but as soon as it wore off I had a fever and body aches.  I took plenty of panadol and went to work on Monday; thinking that I was feeling better.  Well, I wasn't.  So I decided to take Tuesday off work and go to the doctor.  Turns out that I have pharyngitis which is causing a sore throat and a slight ear ache, a cold, and flu-like symptoms.  The doctor gave me an antibiotic for the pharyngitis, cough syrup for the cough/cold, something for congestion, and panadol for the flu-like symptoms along with 3 days off work.  It's Wednesday now and I feel a bit better, but I'm still coughing and my throat still hurts.  Right now my fingers ache, but that could be because I've been doing a lot of typing and I haven't taken any panadol yet today.  I'm not sure if I'll be going to work tomorrow; it's all going to depend on how I feel tonight.  Thursday I'm supposed to go to Sharjah for Thanksgiving and I'm supposed to bring apple pie and pumpkin pie, but I don't know if I'll be going to that either.  Again it will depend on how I feel tonight.  Hoping I feel better soon because I'm home in 3 1/2 weeks and I can't be sick.

81 degrees at 11:30am.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Birthday Weekend

What a great birthday weekend!  God has blessed me with amazing friends here in Al Ain and in Dubai.  It would have been wonderful to spend the day with my family (I do miss celebrating with them even though we did talk via Skype and phone), but second best would be my friends.

After the thoroughly over planned surprise party at school Deborah and I went out for dinner.  She took me to an Indian restaurant in the middle of nowhere.  It was really good.  I had some Indian chicken and bryiani rice with naan (the best bread in the world, in my opinion!).  It was a nice night so we ate outside.  It's great to be able to do that now that the weather is getting cooler.  We enjoyed chatting and getting to know each other better.

Dinner was followed with drinks and shisha (I just had a bit, it still makes me gag) at Leisure - a different restaurant.  Leisure was packed!  We had no idea there was going to be a Lebanese singer/dancer there.  Luckily we found parking across the street so we were able to enjoy the night and "concert".   It was a nice birthday night.

Left: Vanny, Jane, Kristie, Miranda, Lizah, Jeriel
Right: Ronnie, Me, Cherise, Tony

Friday morning I headed to Dubai in my dress.  Yes, I had to wear a dress.  Kristie texted me Thursday and told me that I needed to wear a dress.  Based on that, I knew she had something planned, I just didn't know what.  What she planned was a "surprise" lunch.  I typically have lunch with her, Vanny, and Jeriel after church but this included other friends as well.  We went to Mall of the Emirates and had lunch at Chili's.  Vanny and Kristie even arranged for the waiters and waitresses to sing!  How embarrassing!  We all had a great time and laughed a lot.  It was tons of fun.  I love my friends!  They made me feel really special and loved as they all shared their "wish" for me for the year.  Very touching. 

Ronnie and Lizah were attending the Redeemer Members' Meeting and I ended up taking them there.  Driving to the Redeemer Villa in Mirdif wasn't an issue.  Although I did try to find a metro station to drop them off at, but I couldn't get to any of them and neither of my passengers could help me out so I just took them all the way.  No problem.  The issue came after that.  Kristie and I were going to go to Dubai Creek Park and meet up with the rest of the gang and it took us about 50 minutes to get there.  I think it should have only taken us about 20.  The thing is we were having a deep discussion and I was trying to listen to Freida (my GPS) at the same time.  It wasn't going over too well.  We were both too focused on our conversation to fully listen to and comprehend the directions.  All in all it turned out fine.  Kristie and I were able to have some alone time and we made it to the creek to spend more time with the rest of the gang. 

Once we got to the creek we had to find parking.  That was a challenge.  As the weather gets cooler everyone heads to parks and the Dubai Creek Park is a popular destination.  We ended up having to park across the street.  We got in the park and ended up taking a "taxi" to find where Jeriel and the rest were.  Quite privileged!  Once we found them Jeriel, the photographer, stared taking pictures of Kristie and me.  It was a nice night for that, well until it got too dark.  Then Kristie entertained us with her dancing on the "beach."  We all had a good laugh!  Seriously though she is a good dancer.  What a nice way to end a great day!

88 degrees at 5:00pm

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Every week we have a spelling and mental math test.  The students have been trying to memorize their multiplication facts and we're on the 8s now.  For the mental math test I call out a problem and they have 5 seconds to write down the answer before I move on to the next problem.  This has caused quite a few issues with parents because I am going too fast.  I have tried to explain that this is mental math and they have to know their facts quickly, but it's kind of met on deaf ears.  Anyway after our mental math test this morning Suhail rewrote his story and then just sat there, which is very unlike him.  Usually when he finishes he is the first one to be on the computer or find a game to play.  As I was working with someone at his table I asked him what the problem was and he said he was fine.  I told him I didn't believe that and if he wanted to talk about it I would listen.  He just sat there.  I asked him if he was angry and he shook his head no.  I asked him if he was sad and he almost started to cry.  I asked if he wanted to talk or go to the bathroom.  He got up and went to the bathroom.  Here's our conversation when he came back.

Me: What's the matter Suhail?
Suhail: I only got 8 right on my mental math.
Me: No problem.  8 is good.
Suhail (almost in tears again): I was thinking and I couldn't get number 6 or 7.
Me: Don't worry about it, it's ok.
Suhail (a few tears trickle down): My mom say I need to get 10 out of 10 or she hit me
Me: Your mom will hit you if you don't get 10 out of 10?
Suhail nods and more tears trickle down.

So this is very shocking.  What do I do with this information?  I know in the States I would have told the counselor, but here it's kind of allowed.  And there really isn't anyone to tell.  I try to process this information before talking to Suahil.

Me: What do you think we should do?
Suhail: I will try again
Me: Well, Suhail, if I let you do the 2 that you missed I will have to do the same for all the students because then they will all start to cry when they don't get them all right.
Suhail: No, I will write them all again
Me: You want to take the whole test over?
Suhail: Yes
Me: OK

Aside from the fact that his mom is creating in him a perfectionist attitude I enjoyed this conversation for a few reasons.  One - the mere fact that I was able to have this conversation.  Last year it wouldn't have been possible.  There would have been no way; their English just wasn't that good.  Two - I love the fact that Suhail thought of a solution!  Most of the kids when you ask them what they should do just sit there and wait for you to tell them.  Three - the girls sitting around us while we were talking didn't say anything or laugh or ask why he was able to redo the test and they couldn't.  They really are sensitive and caring to others. 

When he retook the test he got 10 out of 10 on his mental math, but 9 out of 10 on his spelling.  I didn't want to go through this again so I called him to my desk and had him spell "shock."  On his paper he wrote "shoch", but he spelled it correctly so I gave it to him.  I don't need him to get hit by his mom because he missed one word on his spelling test.  He ended up getting all 10 of his mental math problems right!

Birthday at ENS

Today is my 37th birthday!  Can't believe I'm 37.  How did I celebrate, you ask?  My students threw me a surprise party!!

OK let me back up here.  We're not supposed to tell the students when our birthdays are because they will bring gifts (which they did and which I'm technically not supposed to accept) and they will bring sweets (which they did and which aren't allowed either).  So I had no intention of telling them when my birthday was.  That was until a lot of them started asking.  I mean a lot, not just one or two, and it wasn't just the girls either.   So figured that since they wanted to know I would tell them.  This was before Eid and no one mentioned it until yesterday so I assumed they forgot over the break. 

Wrong!  It was all they could talk about yesterday.  They told me they were going to give me a party and bring me a cake.  I told them not do that because it's not allowed at ENS.  The subject was dropped for a while and then after their afternoon break Shamsa told me that she needed to talk to the class but I wasn't allowed to hear.  Fatima suggested that they talk in Arabic, but Shamsa reminded her that I know some Arabic so I might be able to understand what they were saying.  OK, not really but I'm glad they think that!!  Anyway I let them have 5 minutes to talk (actually they were screaming at each other like they usually do; everyone trying to talk at the same time).  They turned off the lights and hid and when I came back in they jumped up and sang Happy Birthday!  Very sweet and I thought that was the end of it.  Wrong again; so wrong! 

Mohammed Rashed and Saeed came in the class early this morning with a cake and a present.  No problem here I thought something simple.  When the rest of the students arrived Saleh was carrying a cake and various other students had bags of stuff.  I was again kicked out of my classroom as the planned something.  I got Jennifer and had her supervise.  She called me in about 5 minutes later and I was greeted by another surprise singing of Happy Birthday along with the two cakes, lots of chocolate and presents on my desk!!   Aww how sweet they threw me a surprise party!  I really had no idea.  I thought it was over when they sang on Wednesday.  So we had this party at 8:00 am!  Not the best timing, but what could I do, they had it all set up.  They were eating candy while I was trying to find a knife to cut one of the cakes.  Saeed had brought plates and forks but no knife.  I told them that the party would just continue during their golden time (reward time) at the end of the day; which is a much better time for a party anyway.  They were ok with that so long as they got to continue eating their candy and chips.  No problem.  I thought we would just have a little party at 2:00, no big deal.  During their Arabic lesson I went to put the cakes in the fridge and then tried to resume a normal day afterwards. 

All I can say is chaos.  They were so distracted by when they would have cake that I couldn't get much of anything out of them.  We make it to their afternoon break and I went to get the cake out of the fridge.  That's when I found out how terribly overboard they went.  The parent communication officers told me that there were 4 cakes and lots of other sweets in their office.  Yes, 4 cakes!  I told them I already had 2 what did I need with 4 more.  They had gotten permission from the principal to let me have all the cakes since it's considered terribly terribly rude to refuse something (even if it's not allowed).  So all the junk food was brought to my classroom.  I cut the cake that Saeed brought (it was the only one that was rectangular and easy to cut) while the nannies kept bringing bag after bag after box of junk into my classroom.  In total there were 5 cakes, 24 individual cakes, 2 dozen donuts, a box of cupcakes, cookies, juice boxes, soda, and tons and tons of candy.  We had enough to provide a treat to all the teachers and a lot of the staff along with leftovers.  I gave one whole cake to Gursharn (she had some sort of function that she needed a cake for) and the cleaner and I took one home.  I gave a bunch of other stuff to the cleaner as well.  I saved a lot of the candy for a later time, like maybe when they are actually behaving.  Maybe I'll use that as a reward.  I'm sure there will be a reminder email on Sunday about not having parties or sweets at school.  But in my defense I really truly did not know that they were going to do all of that.

In addition to having the party they brought presents.  I got a nice sweater, 5 bottles of perfume (Coco Noir by Chanel, Very Irresistible by Givenchy, Manifesto by Yves St. Laurent and 2 ones that I have never heard of) , a teddy bear, roses, 2 homemade necklaces, and one really really nice necklace.  Lots of very nice gifts that I'm not supposed to accept.  I am going to talk to the parent communication officers about the necklace because I'm sure it was quite expensive.

So that is how you celebrate a birthday ENS style!

I'm going out to dinner with Deborah tonight and tomorrow Kirstie has something planned.  I have to wear a dress!

90 degrees at 6:15pm

Monday, October 29, 2012

Eid Al Adha

What a great break!  It was a much needed restful 6 days off of work.  I can't believe I have to go back tomorrow.  I'm not ready!!

Wednesday I spent the day in Dubai with Cindy.  We just went to the mall and walked around for a bit before heading back to the hotel (where she and Craig are staying) to wait for Craig to come home from work.  We spent the time catching up and sharing while we were waiting.  Craig was supposed to come at 1:00, but that turned in to 3:00, which turned into 4:30 and he eventually arrived around 4:45.  No big deal, but kind of funny.  When Craig got there we headed back to the mall for dinner and some more window shopping.  Dinner was good and then it was time to say good-bye.  They would be leaving for Qatar on Saturday.  It was nice to be able to spend the day with them because who knows when I'll see them again. 

After I left the mall I tried to go see Kristie but traffic was horrible.  Not moving at all.  So I called her and told her that I'd see her on Friday at church.  We were talking about her coming home with me and spending Thursday in Al Ain, but she had things that she needed to do in Dubai on Thursday so we'll plan it for some other day. 

Thursday was a nice day out.  I went to the zoo with Deborah and Sophia (her 1 1/2 year old).  It was nice to be there with a kid!  We got to the zoo when it opened at 10 and left around 1:30.  When we got there it wasn't too hot or too crowded.  By the time we left it was exactly the opposite.  At one point I forgot what country I lived it as the zoo was packed with Indian men and families.  I think I only saw 1 Arabic family.  Yes, I know they are a minority here, but still.  Some of the animals were quite active and I really enjoyed watching the baby rhino run after its mom!  The white tiger was just getting up from its nap when we got there so it was cool to see him stretch and yawn and move around.  Much more than I have seen in the past.  The white lion was just laying around, but at least he was in the sun and I was able to see him.  The gazelles were running and jumping and the giraffes were too busy eating to be bothered by the bell that was calling them over so some kids could feed them!  All in all it was a nice day at the zoo.  I'm not sure how much Sophia got out of it, but she was in a good mood and enjoyed walking around.

After the zoo I did some cleaning and then headed to the Hilton for a workout followed by dinner at the pool.  A very nice and relaxing way to end the day.

Friday was spent in Dubai with friends from church.  Kisha made the trip from Abu Dhabi via bus so she could attend the worship service.  That was her second time and I hope she continues.  It's nice how that friendship is being rekindled after being away for awhile.  I spent the morning teaching the 2-4 year olds about how God chooses people by telling the story of Jacob and Esau.  God was amazingly faithful and answered my prayer for focus for the kids and strength for me as I taught.  The kids sat through the story time AND sang songs AND even participated by answering some questions!  That's the best they've ever been.  It was a nice morning with them.  I then headed upstairs to meet Kristie and Kisha.  Kristie, Vanny, and I typically have lunch together and Kisha came along with us and we were joined by Jane and Lizah (a new attender to the church).  We had a nice lunch at IKEA and then we headed to the Dubai Mall so Kisha and I could go to the organic store.  Oh the parking!  That mall is huge and so is the parking garage, but I didn't think I'd ever find a place to park.  I ended up going on the roof and was greeted by many open spaces!  What a nice view up there though.  We joked that they needed to put a coffee shop on the roof of the parking garage.  You could have coffee and see the sights at the same time.  Maybe we'll have to open one!  We did our organic shopping and then Kisha headed home while Jane, Kristie and I walked around and fought the crowds of Saudi's that were there for 24 hour shopping!  We wanted to have dinner at The Cheesecake Factory (newly opened), but the mafia looking men standing outside informed us that you needed a reservation.  Oh well.  Maybe when they've been there for a while we'll be able to get in without a reservation.  So we headed to some French cafe and had sandwiches.  I know not exactly The Cheesecake Factory, but it was still good.  We had had enough of the crowds so we made our way back to the roof and headed to Bur Dubai to go shoe shopping.  Kristie knew of a store that sells size 11 shoes so I was intrigued.  Sure enough they do, but they all have high heels or platforms.  Bummer.  I tried a pair on just for fun and we all got a good laugh at how tall I had become!  Oh well I'll just have to do my shoe shopping when I get home.  After an exhausting day of "shopping" it was time to head back to Al Ain and fall in bed.

Saturday was a PJ day!!  I haven't had one of those in forever.  Well, I can't really say it was a full PJ day because I did get dressed and do some grocery shopping, but after that I was home in my PJs.  I did some laundry and that's about it.  Reading, watching TV, and playing games occupied my day.  Very restful and relaxing and much needed.

Sunday I had lunch with Mary at Bawadi Mall; it was good to see her.  Since she's not doing the Bible study anymore I haven't seen her in a few weeks.  Good times catching up.  I also looked for some shoes at Bawadi Mall.  They have "Ecco" and I can typically find shoes there.  They had sandals in my size just not shoes;  I really need shoes.  Disappointing, but kind of expected.  Then it was off to the gym followed by another relaxing evening at home.  I did get my new seating chart made, but that was the extent of the school work that I did!

Monday (today) I went to Alexandra's for lunch (or rather tea).  It was nice to visit with her outside of school.  She teaches 3rd grade and is from South Africa.  We have been wanting to get together since the beginning of the year and it has finally happened.  After visiting for a while I left with the promise of having her, along with Jenn and Linda, over to my place for dinner one night before Christmas break.  Then it was back to the gym for a workout and more pool time.  I didn't really do much swimming just sun bathing by the pool.  I wanted lunch, but I couldn't find anyone to give me a menu or take my order so I just sat and read for a bit.

As I was getting ready to leave the gym I got a call from the post office.  My birthday package had arrived!!  Happy Birthday to me!  I got exactly what I asked for, Cheezits and Jif creamy peanut butter, and more!  I got a nice long sleeved blouse and some kitchen towels along with makeup.  What a nice birthday box!!  Alexa's kindergarten picture was also in the box and she looks like she's 17 (minus the fact that she has 2 missing front teeth:). 

Now it's time for my break to end:(  Back to work tomorrow.  Yes, I'm thankful that I have a job, but I have really enjoyed this time off.  I looked at the calendar and it's a nice 7ish weeks until Christmas break.  Two and a half weeks and then a day off for Islamic New Year, two weeks and then 2 days off for National Day, two weeks and then 3 weeks off for Christmas!!  I can make it!!!!

93 degrees at 5:30 and it sounds like we're having a sandstorm of sorts out there!  Glad I'm not at the pool!!

Oh side note.  I've been having to wear my sweatshirt at night.  I know crazy, but it's chilly here.  Maybe if I turned off my air conditioning in the bedroom it wouldn't be so cold, but I need it on so it's cold when I go to sleep.  I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to survive winter in MI at my parents' house!!

Saturday, October 20, 2012


I know it's been quite some time since I have posted, but that's basically because not much has been going on.  But, I do apologize for leaving a lot of people hanging about the medical issues.  I figured since I posted it on Facebook that would be enough, but evidently there are people out there that read this blog that aren't my friends on Facebook.  So this is for you!

The FNA came back totally clear of any cancerous cells!  Praise the Lord!  I just have to sort of monitor my neck and if I notice anything I have to go back to get it rechecked.  So far so good.  There was just one week when I thought that the lump had returned, but that was all psychological. 

With that medical issue being taken care of I could focus on the fact that I kept coughing and it never went away.  Turns out I had chronic bronchitis!  Or at least that's what Dr. Shirley diagnosed me with since my cough had lasted for almost 2 months.  She gave me some cough syrup and told me if it doesn't go away we would schedule a chest x-ray.  Well, it's been 8 days and the cough is gone!  Another praise!  I think I may be on the road to recovery.

That's what I thought until Wednesday when I had one of my dizzy spells (at work).  Very scary.  I was standing in the pod for assembly and I felt like I was going to fall over.  This happened right during the national anthem (that's when you're not supposed to move or anything), not good timing.  So I leaned against the pole and when the national anthem was over I asked Jennifer to get me some juice.  She brought the juice (which usually works) and Kevin got me a chair.  I sat down and drank my juice and then Gursharn walked me to the nurse where she checked my blood sugar.  It was fine, which I knew it would be because I do not have low blood sugar.  Although I get the symptoms of it relatively frequently.  I sat in the nurse's office for a while and then went back to class.  Probably shouldn't have, but they don't have subs and the kids just get split up and put into the other 4th grade classes where they sit on the floor and do nothing all day (at least they are supervised, unlike at Ammoryiah).  So I went back to class and did my best job of "teaching" that day.  Although I must say that the kids were great!  I think I should be sick all the time!!!  A couple of times I heard one of the girls say "Miss mareedah!" (Miss is sick) to the class and that got them to behave and settle down.  I left when the kids left at 2:45 and Jennifer took me to Oasis Hospital (I didn't think I should drive, even though I was feeling a bit better).  I didn't have an appointment so I knew I was going to be waiting quite some time, but I needed to try to find out what was happening.  I waited 2 1/2 hours only to be told there was nothing that they could do since I had blood work done in Sept. they couldn't do it again (there is a 3 month turn around period before you can have blood work done again).  Who knew.  So I left with some Panadol (tylenol); 50 dirham Panadol mind you.  That is some expensive Panadol.  Not very happy.  I have decided that I will go for a general physical in December when I can have blood work done. 

That brings you up to date with my health issues.

School.  Not really much to tell you here.  I am just trying to figure it all out.  Trying to see how all the "programs" fit together.  I think they have too many.  They are trying to be IB certified (which is all about inquiry and letting the kids pick what they want to learn) and they have Common Core Standards and ADEC Standards.  Too many things and it's causing a lot of stress and headaches as we try to figure it all out.  Then they also have the PYP program which is character based education and I have to try to work that in my lessons as well.  Can you say headache?!!

When I took the day off to go to the doctor for my cough I stopped by Ammoryiah.  What a nice visit I had.  It was great to be welcomed by all the teachers and students.  Lots and lots of cheek kisses and hugs.  Ousha was the best!  "Shoo fe Sara, habibti!!"  (what's up Sara baby!!).  I definitely miss seeing Ousha and Moza and it was great to be able to spend a bit of time with them.  The girls were quite surprised to see me and they could not leave me alone!  There was a big circle of girls around me and they walked me to my car begging me to stay.  Broke my heart!  They were sooooo sweet.  They actually thought I came back to teach them because they are short a teacher.  I'm thanking God that I was loved and appreciated there and I hope that I impacted their lives for the better.  I miss them and honestly some days I don't know if I made the right decision.  But I am at ENS now and God can use me there for His glory.

Eid starts on Wednesday; Tuesday is my last day of work this week and I don't go back until the following Tuesday.  It will be nice to have a long break.  Everyone needs it!  As of right now I don't have any plans other than going to Dubai.  I'll be going on Wednesday to see Cindy and Craig.  They really are leaving (tickets are booked and everything).  They are leaving for Qatar on Saturday afternoon, but I won't be able to see them Thursday or Friday because they are spending Eid with Mohammed and Khuloud so I am going Wednesday to see them before they leave. Other than that I think I'll just play it some what low key.  Kristie has talked about wanting to come to Al Ain so that may happen, but I'm not sure. 

The weather is getting to be quite nice now!  I love this time of year.  Not too hot and not too cold (I know you must think I'm crazy saying it's cold in the desert, but it can really get cold especially in the mornings:). 

In less than 2 months I'll be home for Ann's wedding and Christmas.  Can't wait!  Not sure how I'm going to handle the REAL COLD of MI (better find my winter coat - hint, hint!!).

I think that's about a month's worth of news.  Really not much going on.  Too busy trying to figure out ENS!!

86 degrees at 10:00pm.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Medical Issues

Just a quick blog about my current medical situation. 

Ever since I arrived back in this country I was sick.  It was like 3 weeks of a cold.  I eventually got my medical card and headed to the doctor.  Not due to the cold, but the lump on my throat.  The ultrasound revealed that it was on my thyroid and filled with fluid, which is a good thing.  It's much better being filled with fluid instead of being solid.  Easier to drain and figure out what is going on.  In addition to having the ultrasound I had blood work to check my thyroid and iron levels.  Every thing is fine with my thyroid!  My iron levels are low, which might explain why I have been exhausted, so I am taking iron supplements.  After they found out that the lump was filled with liquid they needed to schedule the fine needle aspiration (FNA).   The procedure had to be approved by my insurance company.  I was totally surprised by how fast that went!  I mean I thought I would have to wait at least a week.  I know how this country works!  But it was approved the following day and my ultrasound was scheduled for that same weekend!!  Wow!  See, they can do it if they want to:)

Fara, my neighbor and passenger to and from school, went with me for the FNA.  I wasn't sure how I would feel, or how much pain I would be in afterwards.   Deborah drove us.  It was really nice that they were both so concerned about me.  Very supportive.  We got to the hospital and I found out I had to go to checkout (I was told that I just needed to go directly to the imaging department).  OK no problem.  I went there, but I'm not really sure why.  They just looked at my paper and sent me back.  Weird.  But, that is how things work here!  The longest part of the whole thing was waiting.  My appointment was at 2:00, but I didn't see the doctor until about 3:00.  He told me what to expect: a stick with a needle and that's it.  No anesthetic was offered and I didn't ask.  He said it would be very quick.  And it was.  Although it wasn't just a needle stick.  He had to do it twice.  He couldn't get anything out from where he put the needle the first time so he had to try again.  It was painful.  Not the needle going in; it was the pressure and him digging around in my neck with a needle.  At one point he asked me if something was the matter and I didn't respond.  I didn't think I could.  I just shut my eyes and grit my teeth and stiffened up.  You know what you do when something hurts: you go all tense.  Well, that's what I did.  It didn't last long though, maybe 10 minutes at the most.  He showed me what he got out of it and it was some chunky yellow-reddish liquid substance.  Disgusting!!  He was able to drain all of it and the lump is totally gone!  Now I just have to wait for the results.  Hopefully I will get them sometime this week.

Still 97 degrees 15 minutes later than my last post!

Same Same, Yet Different

So, it's been 2 weeks since I've been at ENS and I guess it's time to fill you in on the new school.  The first week started out relatively slow and easy.  I began the week with 12 students and ended with 18.  Nice way to start other than the fact that we could never really get into a routine with structure.  It felt like I was starting over everyday due to the fact that new kids just kept coming in.  Other than that, it was great and I loved it!

The next week was totally different.  All 24 showed up.  Really starting over.  It was a tough week.  Kind of like my first year at Ammoryiah.  Things will get better.  I know that and I'm not as stressed about it as I was 2 years ago.  It just requires me to be someone that I'm not.  I am having to be strict and "mean" and that really isn't me.  It's not just Saeed's shirt either!  I have taken to letting that slide because he has many other bigger problems that need to be dealt with.  You know; pick your battles!  I will enforce it if another teacher tells him to do it, but in the classroom, whatever.  I'm more concerned about the fact that he doesn't sit still or stop talking and the fact that every time he walks by Saleh he hits his head.  See much bigger issues than a silly shirt!  Anyway, that's besides the point.  I'm supposed to be talking about how the fact that ENS is still the same, yet slightly different.

  1. Technology!  I love it and the kids love it!  They love using the Smartboard and when I find a video on You Tube.
  2. BOYS!!  Maybe that's all I need to say here.  Boys are boys and Emirati boys are a special case
  3. Duties.  I have to do playground duty.  No biggy.  It's only 20 minutes and really I just chat with the girls.  It's funny because I have a hard time figuring out if the boys are playing or fighting.  Boys being boys I guess:)  Oh I have to do cafeteria duty once a week and it's disgusting!!  They eat with their hands.  Everything.  Not just sandwiches.  Noodles and rice.  It's so gross.  Makes my stomach turn:(  At least it's only 20 minutes once a week!
  4. Teaching time.  I have less total teaching time each week!!  There are two days when I only teach 4 out of 10 periods!  Most days it's 6, but I love the days that it's only 4.
  5. Longer days.  Even though I have less teaching time than at Ammoryiah the days are much longer.  The school day for students is 7:30-2:45 except on Tuesday when they leave at 12:30.  Now that would be a good thing if that were my day, but sadly it is not.  I get there around 7:00 and leave between 3:00 and 4:30 depending on the day.  Tuesdays are my longest day as I have to work until 4:30 which means I don't get home until nearly 5:00. 
  6. English level.  These kids are at least one year above my brightest students from Ammoryiah.  Most of them are about where Ashwaq (she was my highest) was at the end of the year.  That's a good thing!  I can do a lot more with them!  They are capable of understanding a lot more, their reading is better, and so is their writing.
  7. It's inside!  OK I'll say it just one more time.  I love the fact that I don't have a layer of sand covering all the desks and papers!  It's great being able to stick stuff to the wall knowing that it won't get covered in sand and fall down!  I love not having dirty feet everyday!  It's not hot.  Although, my AC has stopped working for the time being:(
  8. Assembly.  It's quiet!  No yelling!  It's amazingly different and SHORT!!  All they do is sing the national anthem and 2 kids recite the Quran; not the whole school.  No silly PE to Jingle Bells.  No constant shouting of some sort of Emirate thing after the national anthem.  Oh, I will say that I think they say the same thing that the girls SHOUTED at Ammoryiah, but they do it in English  (I wish I could have videotaped the assembly for you all to see, but it wasn't allowed).
  9. Involved Principal.  Brian (the principal) has been in my classroom at least two times each week.  He even stopped them in the hall to help get them to walk in a line.  He's there at assembly and during dismissal.
  10. Breaks.  The students have two 40 minute breaks instead of just one.  That's a good thing.  They need the time to run and get their energy out.  During the second break (lunch 1:15-2:00) they have to pray as well.  They have some sort of weird rotation where the boys eat, pray, then play while the girls pray, eat, then play.  It's mixed with the 3rd grade which makes it even more confusing.  So during the 2nd break they really only get about 15 minutes to play but it's better than nothing!
  11. Clothing.  I can wear pants and short sleeves!
  12. I only have 1 class instead of 2.  That's 24 students instead of 50.  That basically cuts my job in 1/2!!
I guess you could say it's like a school!

  1. Meetings.  There are still a ton of them.
  2. Talking.  The kids still love to talk.  That's a cultural thing though.  Well, maybe it's just a kid thing!!!
  3. Ridiculously high expectations.  Yep still here.  They don't understand that these kids are learning a new language and that they don't use it at home or out on the playground. 
  4. Not enough time to teach.  I know that sounds silly especially when I just said that I have less total teaching time.  But you really need more than 40 minutes a day to teach English and math.  It's just not enough time.  They have so many things that they have to do during the day that 40-45 minutes is all they can squeeze in for each subject.  Granted there are a few days when I can manage to get 2 periods of English or math, but it's not all that often.
  5. Testing.  They have MAP testing, which should be sometime in October.  They do it 3 times a year.  Once at the beginning to get a baseline and then to see growth.  I think that's a good way to do it.
  6. Lage class size.  I have 24 students.  That's just too many English language learners.
  7. Small classroom.  Too small with too many students.  We're crowded.  The school is huge, but the classrooms are small.
That's about it.  If I think of more I'll let you know later.  Here's knowing that by God's grace this week will be better than last week:)

It's getting cooler:)  Only 97 degrees at 8:53pm!  It will soon be nice out; I can't wait:)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

First Day of School

After a long weekend putting the final preparations on my classroom and getting ready the first day finally arrived.  You know, "ready or not here they come!"

Nice shot of the 4 student computers

Before I tell about the first day, here are a few pictures of my new "indoor" school and classroom.

Entrance to the Primary School

My SmartBoard

Indoor play area called the Quad/Pod
The building is super nice with lots of modern facilities including a swimming pool!  I just hope it's more than a nice campus.
Sunday September 2nd marked the beginning of the school year.  I got to school a bit past 7 and students were already there.  Typically the assembly starts at 7:30, but we won't be having an assembly until Wednesday.  So, at 7:30 the students were sent to their classroom.  We had a slight issue directing students to the proper classroom because the lists in the reception area were labelled wrong.  My classroom is 4D, but the list in reception had me and Gursharn (pronounced Gasharon; don't ask me how) flipped.  So her class, which is 4F was labelled 4D so all her students went to my classroom and vice versa.  One of the parents told me this, so I went out to reception to fix the mistake, but that didn't prevent the parents from bringing Ms. Gursharn's students to me.  Oh well.  We'll get it all figured out.
As of right now I have 22 students on my list and only 10 of them showed up.  I actually had 12 students, but 2 weren't on my list.  They are probably Gursharn's students.  The few students that I had were coming in, getting settled, and making name tags for their desk and locker while I was talking to parents.  The first thing Saeed's dad told me was that I would have to watch him "his behavior is bad."  Great. That's exactly what every teacher wants to hear on the first day.  I probably could have figured this out by myself, but with parental input that makes it a bit more real.  He was quite talkative today (probably the only one) and had a hard time sitting still.  But, he did do his work (the little that we did) and he did participate and he seems to be bright enough.  He likes praise and worked for that today so I'll have to keep that in mind.  While we were filling out the parent communication book I was pointing out who was ready and I didn't mention him, although he was ready, and he said "Saeed is ready too; good job."  He's really cute too so that will be a problem.  I did have a minor problem with him today.  After the first break, Peter - another teacher - told them that they had to tuck in their shirt or they couldn't go back to the classroom.  He told this to all the grade 4 boys.  So I went around making sure my 5 boys tucked their shirt in.  Saeed of course didn't.  I told him to and he didn't.  We got back to the classroom and I told him that he couldn't come in the class.  He sat outside (which I must mention again is actually inside) the classroom for a while and I got the rest of the 11 students started on something.  I went out to see if he was ready and I asked him if he could come in the class.  His response was "No."  I asked him why he couldn't come in and he told me "My shirt isn't tucked in."  Well tuck it in then!  He tucked it in and came in the class.  It didn't remain tucked for very long.  I have to tell you this isn't going to be a battle that I am going to fight, unless of course I really have to.  As long as he keeps his shirt on I could care less if it's tucked in or not!
I had a little mishap this morning after art before break.  I had agreed with the art teacher that I would take them to art and she would take them to the quad for break.  Great that meant that I wouldn't have to walk up 2 flights of stairs twice.  Khadija led the way to art and I left them there with the full assurance that Maggie would bring them to the quad for break.  After my 40 minute break I went to the quad to find my students.  All the other 4th grade classes were there, but my class was nowhere to be found.  Where were they?  Peter sent one of his students (the art teacher's daughter) to find them.  She came back and gave us the thumbs up.  We figured that meant they were on their way.  No such luck.  So I walked up the 2 flights of stairs to find them.  Only they weren't in the art room.  By this time the eating part of break was over and the rest of 4th grade was playing.  To my surprise it was actually all of 4th grade.  Where did my students come from?  Khadija came over to me and I asked her where they were and her response was "we know where to go, Miss."  OK.  They are obviously able to do this on their own!  Evidently they were in the cafeteria when all the other 4th grade classes were lined up outside.  I had no idea.  I guess I should have looked harder for them!  Other than that there were no real obstacles today. 
After the first break students began to leave and by the time I left for my doctor's appointment at 2:00 I was down to 9 students.  As I was getting ready to leave I saw Nawal (art teacher from Ammoryiah).  It was great to see her and we greeted with lots and lots of kisses!  She said that there were many new teachers at Ammoryiah and the returning teachers were asking about me.  I told her to tell them HI and that I wish I could come see them.  That will have to wait until I have a day off and they don't.  Probably won't be until the summer.  Bummer because I would love to see my former students.
My doctor's appointment was for this lump I noticed on the side of my neck and a mildly irritating constant sore throat.   It's like I've been sick since I got back.  Not good.  Dr. Shirley said not to worry about the sore throat; it's just slightly red and tender.  Yeah mildly irritating!  About the lump.  It's right near my thyroid so they are going to do some tests.  I have an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow night which will tell her if there's fluid in the lump or if it's cystic.  If there is fluid in there, which she thinks there is based on how it feels, then I will have some sort of procedure to drain some of it so they can analyze it.  In addition to the test on the lump they are going to look at my thyroid to see if it is functioning properly since thyroid problems run in the family.  They are also looking at my iron levels again.  There may be a few doctor's appointments for me in the near future.  I will keep you all updated.
Back for day 2 tomorrow.  Hoping Saeed tucks in his shirt tomorrow:)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


My plans for Eid were to go to Atlantis with Hetty, Lucia, and Karen (Lucia's daughter), but that changed because Atlantis was fully booked and Lucia's daughter wasn't going to arrive until the 19th instead of the 14th like originally planned. 

Since Lucia's daughter hadn't arrived I still had a place to stay so I headed to Dubai on Thursday evening.  I went to Mirdif first to visit with Cindy and Craig (they had just arrived on Wednesday).  It was great to see Cindy and we spent the evening catching up while Craig borrowed  my car to get some errands done.  After visiting with Cindy I went on to Lucia's.

I picked Lucia up at Burjuman (a mall near her apartment) and then went back to her place.  It was late so we did some quick catching up and then got ready for bed. 

We went to church Friday morning and it was great to be back at Redeemer!  Worship was fantastic, as usual, and it was wonderful to see my friends.  I went out to lunch and spent the day with Cindy and Craig.  A few restaurants in the food court were open for take out, so we got Subway and headed to the parking garage to eat!  After lunch we went back to Mohammed's for the day.  Mohammed was going to take the boys to get a haircut while Cindy and I took Aysha to get henna.  We went to a little salon in Mirdif and got turned away because it was so packed.  We opened the door and almost tripped over the people sitting on the floor.  Since we got turned away, we tried to find another salon but we didn't know of anywhere else to go.  So after driving around for a bit we ended up going back to Mohammed's.

Mohammed came back with the boys and noticed that Aysha didn't have henna (getting henna is very very important for Eid) and he was upset.  We tried to explain that the salon turned us away because they were so busy.  He didn't like that and ended up taking Aysha and Angelina (one of their nannies) back so she could get her required henna.  We weren't sure how that was going to happen, but that wasn't our problem. 

I hung around with Cindy and Craig because they needed to use my car to get stuff out of their storage place and take it back to Mohammed's.  While we were waiting Mohammed returned and told us that he dropped Aysha and Angelina off at the salon and he was taking the boys out for Iftar.  He told us that Aysha was going to call Cindy when she was finished and we were to pick her up.  He told us that, not asked.  Emirati lifestyle for you.  I had not seen that side of Mohammed before and it was a bit weird. 

Craig and Cindy got the necessary stuff from the storage and then we ended up picking up Aysha and Angelina at 8:30pm.  They left to get henna around 3:30 or 4:00.  They waited quite a long time, but like I said henna is extremely important for Eid.  After Aysha got back I left.  I was very tired since I hadn't slept well; I was up all night coughing.

Saturday was spent hanging out with Lucia and Hetty.  We just stayed at home and caught up and did some reading.  It was a nice relaxing day.

I went out with Kristie on Sunday.  It was great spending time with her.  I really missed our Friday's together.  She is leaving on the 24th for the Philippines and when she comes back she'll be married!  We went out to lunch, now that Ramadan was over we could actually eat at the mall, and she tried to find a pair of shoes.  After I dropped Kristie off I left for Al Ain.

I got home around 9:30 and did some light reading before turning in for the night.

Monday was spent cleaning and reorganizing the apartment.  I moved the bed so the AC wasn't blowing directly on me and I had to change the living room around since there is currently only one working outlet.  I had to move my desk and dining table.  I don't like the arrangement, but until the outlet in the living room gets fixed I have to have the desk near the working outlet.  I also moved my bookcase into the "hallway".  I pretty much spent the entire day cleaning and rearranging.

So, now I'm caught up!!  It's Tuesday and I'm here at Cafe Nero catching up with the world; doing some emails, checking Fb, and updating my blog.  I have to do some grocery shopping while I'm here, but I have to be careful because I only left enough money in my account to last me until the end of the month and I found out we won't get paid until the end of September.  Yikes!  It's going to be a tight month and a half.

Tomorrow it's back to work and I have to follow the regular school schedule; 7:30-3:30.  At least it's a short week.  A nice way to ease into the schedule.  Next week the rest of the staff arrives.  Hopefully I'll have some more time in my classroom because it's nowhere near ready and students arrive on September 2nd.  I'll have pictures of my classroom posted when it's ready.  Hopefully I'll have Internet access at home this week since Eid is over!

115 degrees at 3:00pm.  Back to the desert!  It is going to cool down though; down to 108 by the end of the week!!