How do you introduce the topic of waves to a group of 4th grade students? Simple, you take them to Wadi Adventure in Al Ain. Now I must admit that prior to going on this field trip I didn't think it was the brightest idea, but the background knowledge these kids now have about waves is going to help tremendously when I introduce the concept next week.
We got to the park around 9:00 as they had graciously agreed to open an hour early for us. The kids were ecstatic as they got off the bus and rushed to the entrance, only to find the doors locked! What in the world was going on? They knew we were coming and they were supposedly prepared to open at 9:00. All I can say is lack of communication. The booking department didn't communicate this information with the security guard who is responsible for opening the door (yes, you can only have one person who can open the door). The security guard finally opens the door and we get the kids processed, which was a total nightmare as each child needed 3 wristbands and a "watch". No problem if the kids could put them on themselves or have a friend help them, but that was not the case. Most of them needed help and there just weren't enough adults. We get them all "banded" and into the changing room so the adventure could begin.
Our first activity was body boarding. Fun! The kids had a blast playing in the water and the brave ones managed to slip and slide (the ground was quite slippery) their way to the deeper water where they could actually experience body boarding. Kevin (the other teacher that went with me) and I helped the kids get on their boards and enjoy the waves, as well as grabbing the ones that were floating the wrong way. After about 15 minutes of this, Kevin impressed us with his surfing ability and then we began the process of herding the kids out of the water so we could move on to activity two.
Whitewater rafting! Amazingly fun! The park has 3 courses, but we only did 2 of them. Level 1 was quite easy and a great way to start off. I was with a group of girls who did a great job of paddling and following the guide's instructions. As we breezed through level 1, he decided that we could try level 2. The girls were all for it, so we proceeded to the next level where he told us we could try what was called "surfing" which is when he puts the boat horizontal in the rapids and it fills with water. Noura wasn't sure she wanted to try this so we opted out. Then peer pressure set in and Noura changed her mind. They weren't mean or anything, they just wanted to try and convinced Noura that it would be ok. So we paddled to the next set of rapids and "got down" so we could begin "surfing." We got drenched as one side of the boat went up and the other went down into the rapids. This scared Shaikha after a while and she cried out "enough" so I told the guide to stop. But instead of stopping he just switched sides so the side that was in the rapids would be up and the rest of us would get soaked. This helped Shaikha for a bit, but she eventually had enough so the guide began the process of getting us back on course. He couldn't do it! We were stuck in the rapids! This was not good as Shaikha was pretty hysterical at this point. There was a lifeguard on the side who threw a rope and pulled the boat out of the rapids. We got out, Shaikha got calmed down, and we continued the rest of the course. We got to the end of the course and were offered the chance to go again. All the girls agreed and even Shaikha wanted to do the "surfing" again. There was no time for that so we just went quickly through the course one last time before heading to activity three.
Air park! Oh my gosh, how terrifying yet awesome at the same time! The air park consists of two levels of obstacle courses and a zip line. The agreement was I would take 1/2 the group to level 2 while Kevin took the other 1/2 to level 3 and then we would switch. I wasn't too thrilled about level 2 let alone level 3! Although I did admit that I was scared (I think it's important that kids know how you're feeling, especially when it comes to fear) I was ready to try, but I did tell Kevin that I was only going to do level 2. I get hooked in and the instructor tells me to go out and walk on the rope. "Walk on the rope! I can't walk on the rope!" Slowly and tentatively I begin my journey on the rope. Shaikha and Al Reem follow. No problem. We make it to the platform and rest before walking on another rope that has fewer ropes to hold on to. This one was a bit harder, but it turns out I can walk on a rope! The next obstacle was to walk on vertically hanging logs. This one was a bit harder and it gave Shaikha a hard time. She didn't think she could do it, but after some encouragement she crossed the logs and made it to the next obstacle which was to walk across a long horizontal log. No problem for any of us. Almost done! Now we had to walk on a horizontal log and jump to another one. A bit harder, but manageable for me as I have long arms and legs. Not as easy for the kids though. They could do the first one but as soon as they jumped to the next one and didn't make it they were stuck. Their legs just couldn't reach the log and they couldn't reach the rope with their hands. Most of them were ok with this and they kicked and lunged forward to gain momentum, but I had to go back and help Shaikha. Two more obstacles left and they were the easiest two. Just walking on a platform and then a jump to the next one followed by walking along a climbing wall. No problem! All 3 of us made it safely to end!! We got unhooked and I was ready to head back down to the ground when I heard Mariam and Reeda say "Miss you go first." What?! Go first where? They of course wanted me to get them started. Thing is once you get out on the course you can't turn around. So here goes round two. OK it should be easier now, right? Wrong! Mariam was terrified and I had to literally pull her along most of the course. There was lots of encouragement from me and Reeda, but that didn't work. She just froze. At one point I didn't know what to do anymore so I began praying for her and telling her that I was praying for her. Trying to give her the strength to walk out on the vertically hanging logs. She took a step, but froze so I went back and that's when she clung to me and I had to pull her to the next platform. Now I have to mention that Mariam is one of my biggest students and I was tired and in a bit of pain from the harness. But God gave me the strength through adrenaline to get her to the next platform. Once there we rested, but only for a short time because Reeda was amazingly fast and there could only be 2 people on a platform at a time so we had to move quickly. I began showing Mariam how to do the next obstacle, but again it ended up with me getting to the end of the obstacle and then going back to pull Mariam along. She was able to do the last two on her own with just a bit of encouragement from me and at the platform before the last obstacle I told her I was so proud of her and almost stared crying. She was doing amazing! We made it to the end and nearly collapsed as the instructor took our harnesses off so we could head upstairs and do the zip line I didn't get that far before I looked at Meera. She wanted to try, but I could tell she was a bit scared. So I asked her if she wanted me to go with her and she replied only if you want to. I told her that I didn't want to, but I would if she wanted me to go. That was enough for her and she said "you go first." Round 3!! Adrenaline kept me going as the instructor hooked me and the three Meera's up so we could begin the course. As I was only able to help the first Meera I told the other 2 that they would have to help each other. No problem. Meera (in my class) was first and she needed the most help. There were a few obstacles where I had to go back and offer her my hand, but I didn't have to pull her like I had to do with Mariam. There was one point when the second Meera froze and began to cry. I was stuck. There was nothing I could do; I was blocked by the first Meera. I began encouraging her and trying to explain how to do the obstacle, but I couldn't show her because that would mean making the first Meera do it again and this obstacle caused her a lot of difficulty as well. So I had to have the third Meera talk to her and encourage her. And it was amazing! Meera number 3 began talking to and encouraging Meera number 2 while Meera number 1 was ready to go back (I couldn't believe it, she was going to go back after she struggled) and get Meera number 2!! Wow! What amazing cooperating and concern. This greatly encouraged Meera number 2 and she began walking on the long horizontal log and she was greeted at the end with a round of applause from both Meera's and me! This put a huge smile on her face and she was able to finish the course with no problems. We made it to the end and surprisingly there were no more girls waiting for me. That meant that I was finished!! Yeah! On to the zip line. Finally!
We climbed up to the fourth floor (past the level 3 obstacle course) and took turns doing the zip line. That was the best part! Speeding through the air over the park was a great way to end the day.
We got back to school at 2:35, just in time for our dismissal at 2:45. While waiting for the kids to leave I made the huge mistake of sitting on the floor. Vemal (another teacher) looked at me and said "I have never seen you look so tired before!" I think at this point the adrenaline was wearing off as I began to finally feel pain. Seriously throughout the entire day I had no pain, other than after the first round of the obstacle course. I had noticed a pretty nasty scratch on my arm, but I didn't feel it; that is I didn't feel it until I got back to school. I made it through the rest of the day (which was a planning meeting with the PYP coordinator) and then headed home to rest. Once home I was completely out of adrenaline and I began shaking and I was starving. I had an early dinner of pasta and tried to relax on the couch, but I couldn't get comfortable. My muscles were in such pain. I pushed myself too hard and I was paying for it. I do believe it was worth it though as I wanted my students to experience as much of the field trip as they could and they weren't going to do the obstacle course without me. All part of being a teacher! I made it an early night, but didn't sleep all that well because every time I moved I was in pain. The muscle aches are easing, but my arms still ache and it is difficult to get up off the floor (why would I be on the floor you ask, I worked with the preschoolers at church today).
With all that being said, I can't wait to go back!! I had a blast and it will be great to experience it with friends!
Just one more week till I'm home for Ann's wedding and Christmas!! I can't wait:)
Hey, the temp's gone down; it's now 77 degrees at 8:18!
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