Friday, June 10, 2011

Small Success in Arabic

Good lesson yesterday.  We were talking about the words but (لكن - lakin),
because (لان - liana), and useful   (مفيد - moofeed).  "Useful" was in the story that I had to read, so that's why we were talking about that word.  She asked me to tell her some useful things and why they are useful and then to use "liana" and "lakin" in sentences and this is what I came up with.

سيارتي مفيدة لانها تأخذي إلى مدرسة
الطاءرة مفيدة لان تستطيع تذهب إلى بلدان بعيد
قلم مفيد لان تستطيع تكتب
أنا مدرّ سة لانني أحب الاطفال
أريد ان أذهب إلى امريكا لانني أريد ان أرى أمي و أبي
أحب تفاح لكنني لا أحب مانجو
أحمد ولد لكن شمة بنت
أتكلم الإنجليزية لكنني لا أتكلم العربية 

My car is useful because it takes me to school. (seeyaratee moofeedah lianaha takhatha ila madrasa)
The plane is useful because you can go to far countries. (adaui'ra moofeeda liana tostaddeea'a tathhab ila baladan bae'ed)
A pen is useful because you can write. (qalam moofeed liana tostaddeea'a taktab)
I am a teacher becuase I like children. (ana modaresa liananee ohebo aladdfal)
I want to go to America because I want to see my mother and father. (orreedo an athhab ila amreeka lianananee orreedo an ara omee wa abee).  By the way I want to see the rest of my family, but I don't know family in Arabic.
I like apples, but I don't like mangoes. (ohebo tofaah lakinnee la ohebo manjue)
Ahmed is a boy, but Shamma is a girl. (Ahmed walad lakin Shamma bint)
I speak English, but I don't speak Arabic. (atakalam alinjleezeeah lakinnee la atakalam ala'arabeeah)

Wow it really is hard writing Arabic words in English, it's difficult to figure out what to write for the sounds

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