Saturday, October 1, 2011

Time to go

OK, I know, it's been a while since I've posted.  Sorry to my readers.  But, in my defense, I did go almost a week without Internet.  Kind of makes it hard to update a blog without Internet.

I guess the biggest news would be that I have come to a decision.  I CANNOT and WILL NOT be back here next year.  I have to find somewhere else to work.  As of right now I'm kind of thinking Alaska.  Who knows.  I'll definitely be looking in and around MI, but I'm also exploring other options.  I came to this decision last week and it was mostly based on the fact that I don't like my job.   Or at least I don't like where I have to do my job.  I am tired of all the ridiculously high and unrealistic expections for LTs and students, I am tired of the discrimination between the Emirati teachers and the LTs, I'm tired of the fact that the LTs are expected to do so much while the Emirati teachers aren't expected to change, and this program is not working and that's kind of sad to say that I'm working for something that will fail.  Yes, the money is good and I am able to do a lot of things that I wouldn't have been able to do otherwise like travel, live in a nice apartment, spend the day at the pool, see amazing sights and meet lots of new people, but it has to be more than just that.  I'm really not happy here.  So I am praying that I will find a job.  Please keep your eyes and ears open for anything and pass the word along. 

We are allowed back in the teachers' lounge.  The other teachers, not Shamsa and the other one who started the whole thing, realized that they did something wrong and have welcomed us back in.  Although I have yet to eat in there.  I guess I know I should since it was only 2 people who kicked us out, but I feel as if they made their point clear.  I've also been quite busy in the room so I've been able to use that as an excuse.

Water is still iffy, as usual, but they haven't cancelled anymore school.  Which leaves me still wondering why that one day in September?

Eid is coming up in a month and I think I am just going to do something local so I can save money for my trip to Australia, which is going to be expensive.  I won't have to pay for a hotel, but the flight is about 1/2 of a month's salary.  It will be worth it though.  Kisha and I have been talking about going to Fujeriah, one of the other Emirates.  I guess since I plan on leaving in 9 1/2 months I need to see the rest of this country!!!

I have gotten more organized in the classroom, which is helping.  I bought a shelf so I can have 3rd grade stuff ready on one shelf and 4th grade stuff on the other.  I am still loving 4th grade.  Although I did get quite angry with them Wednesday afternoon when it took us more than 40 minutes to do one page in their science book which consisted of 3 questions!!  They had been bothering me to go to the bathroom and I told them that we would go when the bell rings, like we usually do.  So the bell rang and we weren't finished with science yet (I was hoping we would be finished by then) and I got very frustrated and said "We're not even finished with science yet and it's only 3 questions.  We have 40 minutes for science and you won't stop talking so we can get it finished.  Go to the bathroom and we'll finish when you get back and you better stop talking!!"  I think they got my message because it was very quiet and math went quite smoothly!  At the end of the day we have closing circle and I ask them what they did "What did you do today besides drive Miss Sara crazy?!"  Now if only the same would work for 3rd grade!!  They are still a nightmare.  Well, not really a nightmare because that was last years 3/1, but they are much worse than 4th grade.  I spend a lot more time waiting for them and we have to take more breaks because I have them in the afternoon and they drive me crazy.  I don't feel as if I get as much done with them as I do in 4th grade. 

I have worn my abayah to school a few times and I must admit it isn't any hotter than all the layers I have to wear.  It's comfortable and I like just wearing shorts and a tank top underneath.  I got a lot of compliments from teachers and students and Salha (a teahcer) even said that I was now Emirati!  Horror of horrors!!!  I was relating this story to Susan and she asked if I was getting Emirati privileges and pay as well!!  I wish!

So I guess that's about it.  Hopefully I'll be better about posting.

106 degrees at 4:30, it's getting cooler!!!


  1. Sara's still alive! Australia sounds very exciting! Sorry that school/powers that be are frustrating! If only the emerati knew what you were wearing under the Abayah, they'd be scandalized!

  2. I'm glad you've come to a decision. I'm having the same thoughts. I'll keep you posted on MI jobs if you keep me posted on NC ones! :) Hang in there a little bit longer!
