I survived! I survived one year teaching in Abu Dhabi. I survived one year working for ADEC. July 13, 2011 marked the last day of my first year (10 months) teaching abroad, and almost 11 months since my arrival in the country (Aug. 15, 2010).
Today was a celebration day. I guess. We were told on Sunday that we wouldn't have to stay at work on July 13, just sign in and then leave. Well, modeera took that back yesterday and actually made us stay. We didn't do anything though, wej ust sat in the teachers lounge talking, or listening as the case may be, dancing, or watching, and pretty much just hanging out. It was nice. Nice to be together, even though I didn't understand what they were saying, but nice to be able to sit and socialize. At 11:30 modeera changed her mind and let us go home. So after many مع السلامة - ma'asalma; goodbye/with peace, اشوفك في سيبتيمبر - a shoofik fee seebteembir; see you in September, and cheek kisses, with حبيبتي و صديقتي - habeebtee wa saudeeqatee; my sweetheart (term of affection) and my friend it was time to go. I swear I got so many cheek kisses today! It's very touching, but hard to know when to stop. They just keep going; 6 on one cheek and maybe a few on the other, 3 on each cheek, just one on one cheek. Who knows? I had to leave it up to them since they initiated. Everyone seemed genuinely sincere when they were saying good bye. Moza even asked me to take her picture! This is totally unheard of. When they get their pictures taken they cover their face with their shaylah, but she was willing to be photographed uncovered so my family and friends would be able to see my friend from Al Ain! What a nice thought and very touching, but of course I forgot my camera. I told her next year, inshallah. She then stood up on the table and we all got a laugh out of that! I was finally able to leave that teachers lounge and head next door to the other one. I said a general ma'asalma there and then headed to the office to say ma'asalma to modeera. I finally made it out of the school around noon. One year down and hopefully only one more to go!
Susan and I went to Leisure to celebrate our survival. We had heard wonderful things about this restaurant, but we weren't all that impressed. It was just a lunch buffet and the food was ok, but not that great. We figured that the comments we had been hearing were regarding their dinner menu and coffee shop, so we'll have to go back for dinner. But probably not until it's cooler because they have a very nice outdoor area which we would like to experience.
I have 13 more days until I leave Abu Dhabi for Dublin and 16 until I arrive in MI. I have a few things to do while I'm here, but not much. I have to see what I have to do about my car (not sure if I'm going to return it for the summer or just keep it), get my hair done, get henna, clean, and have Safeer come and clean, do laundry, and take my sheets and towels to be cleaned, read, study Arabic, go up the mountain, and relax. I'll try to stay busy!
109 at 4:55pm.
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