Saturday, July 2, 2011

مسقط - Muscat

An absolutely lovely weekend!  The hotel was beautiful, the views amazing, the pool cool, and the beach, well hot but still nice.
Pool where I spent most of my time

It was so nice to sit by the pool and read and then go swimming when I got hot.  It was just a very relaxing weekend.  No plans.  No stress.  No worries (other than the fact that I lost my phone).  No schedule.  Just the beach and the pool and some amazing views. 

The Shangrila (5 star resort and spa) is located on the Bay of Oman.  I spent a little bit of time in the water, but really it was just a bit too hot.  More like bath water.  I did enjoy floating and riding the waves though.  It was also nice to be able to hear the waves at night.  I spent most of my time in the pool, or at the pool if it wasn't too hot.   

Bay of Oman
While I was there I couldn't help but think how fortunate I am to be able to travel like this. There is no way I would have ever been able to afford a trip like this while working at a public school in NC. All the stress, challenges, and hard work of the year with ADEC are (I don't want to say worth it) allowing me to have the time and money to be able to travel to places I never would have been able to see before. It definitely is a perk of the job and location. I am very thankful that I am allowed to see world and that I can afford to do so!

My next trip will take me to Dublin for 3 days.

104 degrees at 6:45

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