Thursday, August 25, 2011


A few things have kept me busy since my return to the fabulous state of MI last week. 

Surprise!  Dad is turning 70 this year and we (Mom and the kids) gave him a surprise party on 7/20.  There was lots of work to be done prior to the party and I am so thankful that the rest of my family did the majority of the work (since I was still in the UAE).  But I did get to help with the decorating, which wasn't all that much so it was kind of fun!  Dad knew that he was having a family dinner at Ann's to celebrate his birthday, but he was totally surprised when he arrived and there were more people than the immediate family members that he was expecting.  It was a good day to see a lot of my family that I haven't seen in a year, or more: Aunt Margaret, Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Emma, Uncle Gordie and Aunt Mary, Linda, and Alan.  We (the kids) got Dad $70 worth of instant lottery tickets and Nancy arranged them on a tree.  I guess money does grow on trees because he won $33.  Not much, but hey it was something!  It was a fun party filled with great family times!  A great plus of the day was that Mason-Man said my name for the first time!!!  He said "Aira".  Hey that's close enough for me:)

Happy 70th Birthday Dad!!
On Tuesday I got up early, what was I thinking, and went to work with Amy.  Amy works at Tutor Time (a daycare) and I went last year and some of her kids were asking if I was going to come again this year.  She is a pre-K teacher and she is wonderful with those 4 and 5 year olds!!  The learning that is taking place in her classroom is impressive.  She is really preparing her students for kindergarten.  Personally I don't know how she does it, dealing with 22 4 and 5 year olds.  There was crying and temper tantrums.  I think they're cute, but I just can't deal with the crying.  Thank God for pre-K teachers!!

Amy works with a couple of Arabic teachers and I spent time with Rimon working on my Arabic.  She tried talking to me in Arabic and having me answer, but turns out I still don't know enough.  My Arabic really sucks.  I can do the few pleasantries (hi, how are you, where do you live, what do you do, what's your name...) but really not much beyond that.  I think it all goes back to verbs and really having to learn them myself.  I know speaking more would definitely help.  We'll see what happens this year.  After work Rimon and Lamia took us to Sahara (desert) for a delicous Arabic meal.  It was good, but the fatoush was not like The Golden Sheep in Al Ain and the hommous wasn't as good as Al Noor's.  It was a good Arabic meal, but when you've had authentic nothing really compares!!!  The company was great though:)

I am getting ready to spend my last weekend in the USA at my favorite place, Ludington!!!  Mom, Dad, Amy, and I went last year before I left for the UAE and we'll be returning this year.  I love being on Lake MI and walking the Ludington Pier.  I have many, many wonderful family memories of this place and I am glad to be making more.

On the subject of going back: I'm not really ready (other than partially packed) or excited.  I don't want to go.  I know I have to and I also know that once I get back and into the routine and seeing friends I will be glad to be back, but I don't want to leave my family.  It's been a great month and I don't want it to end.  One more year and then hopefully I'll be able to find a job in MI.

72 degrees with 68% humidity at 4:30

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