Thursday, September 8, 2011

First Week

I survived my first week being back in the UAE and back to work!  How many more to go?!  Just kidding, I can't start counting down now!  Not sure if I can count that high!!

I suppose that first sentence should be read literally since I am pretty sure that I had heat stroke on Tuesday.  I had no idea it was heat stroke until Wednesday when Ashley told me that's what I had.  Here's what happened.  I was dressed in my ankle length skirt and long sleeve sweater (typical attire) and I guess I was just doing too much work.  I began moving, unpacking, and walking around from room to room to find people and stuff that I needed.  All of a sudden I got very very hot and dizzy.  I thought it was one of my dizzy/low blood sugar spells, but this was different.  The dizziness went away but my body temperature didn't come down.  I was so HOT.  HOT on the inside and outside.  I stopped working and sat down in the office (one of the cooler places in the school) and drank water and put a water bottle on my forehead.  I was still HOT.  I couldn't cool off.  The strangest thing was that I wasn't sweating (come to find out this is a sign of heat stroke), I was just sweltering.  Andrea and Salha finally decided that I needed to go home and Alice took me home.  I didn't think I should drive.  I finally cooled off when I layed down in my bedroom (the coolest room in my apt).  The whole episode started around 9 and I didn't get cooled down until around 11:30.  I guess the cool MI temperatures made me forget the desert heat.  I'm fine now and I survived the unpacking today.  No worries.

Other than that the week was kind of boring.  A boring meeting in Abu Dhabi, trying to get my classroom set up for Sunday (which by the way it is not), and a boring meeting with Andrea. 

I will be slowly working on getting the classroom in order next week.  The girls only have to come from 8-1 instead of 8-2 so I'll have an hour to begin organizing and putting up posters and stuff.  Right now they have desks and chairs and books in the reading corner.  I guess that's all that's needed.  I'm going to make do!  I am not going to go in on the weekend to set up my room.  I'm just not doing that anymore.  It will get done.  This is hard for me due to my perfectionist tendencies, but I'm trying to let go and not work all the time.   It will get done when it gets done and I'm not stressing over it.  Help!!

No class list or schedule yet.  They will come on Sunday and we'll see how many additions or changes need to be made before the final ones come out!  Par for the course here:)  Ready or not the girls come Sunday morning!

109 at 7:00pm

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