Thursday, June 14, 2012

Farewell Party!

What a surprise!  I knew they were planning something, but today was supposed to be Ashley's party, since she's pregnant and due on Sunday.  I had no idea they were going to combine them!  Neither did Ashley, by the way!  I guess that's why they combined, so neither of us would figure it out.

It was so sweet!  It was a typical Arabic party with loud music, dancing, and food.  I would have enjoyed it more if I weren't feeling so achy and sick.  I think I had a flu bug last night and it's still lingering around.  But that's besides the point.  Everyone was there and we had a good time.  I will definitely miss the teachers at Ammoryiah.  I am fairly certain the staff at Emirates National will not be able to compare with the staff here.  I mean there is only one Moza!!!  Well, there are 3 Moza's at Ammoryiah, but only one "Moza!"  I told them I would come back to visit and I will.  It will be at the end of the year, but I will come back.  I will miss them.  For the most part they are very sweet, friendly, and encouraging.  I will miss the laughter in the teachers' lounge along with all the dancing!!  That's Moza for you:)  Always smiling, laughing, and dancing!  Then there's Osha who always, always greets me with habeebtee Sara along with blowing me kisses.  Let's not forget the other Moza who actually gives me real American hugs!  Oh and then there's the quiet Moza who always says "Hi" to me as we are walking in.  I think she's the only one I can recognize when she's fully covered; her eyes are so expressive.  Hopefully they will let me take some pictures before I leave.
Farwell gift

I got flowers and a necklace for my farewell gift!  I didn't expect anything and they totally over exceeded my expectations.  The flowers are beautiful and there is jasmine (pronounced yasmine) at the bottom of the vase.  I love the smell of jasmine!  They certainly make the apartment smell nice!  The necklace is real gold; it's from Damas, one of the high class jewelery stores here.  Moza (the one who is always dancing) picked it out and she did a good job.  It's not a typical Arabic necklace.  It is very elegant and I will defintely have to wear it, but it's not something I will wear to work so they will never see me wearing it.

It's a long weekend!  Sunday is the Prophet's ascension so it's a holiday!  I will be spending it in Dubai and then coming home to finish grades.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Last Day of School - Students

Not June 21 or 14, but today.  I'm glad it was today.  It's getting too hot to go to school.  What a day!  We had an informational meeting for parents about summer learning and simple activities they can do with their children over the summer; like going to the library, reading, and playing math games with flashcards.  We tried to keep it simple knowing this is new for these parents.  Hopefully they will do something because we all know that most children lose part of what they learned over the summer.  I know a few of mine will continue to read and speak in English, but unfortunately it's not the majority.  As this reform continues to move on, the children and parents will change and become better adjusted to school and education.

After the meeting was a "party".  Not sure if I'd really call it a party though.  The students were brought into the theater (at least it was inside, we were all fearing it would be outside) where they had to squish (favorite word from last year) together on the floor to make room for all of the parents.  The LTs were sitting on the table in the back of the room, so we were stuck.  Nothing much happened.  My 3rd graders did sing and do the National Dance a couple of times.  Some awards were given and then there was 5th grade graduation.  A few speeches by the students then they were called by name, shook the prinicpal's hand, and walked out of the theater.  That's it.  Khallas.  Finished.  The students left at 10:30 and we had to stay until 1:00.  I spent the time in the teachers' lounge talking and relaxing.  I have a whole month to get the room cleaned and packed up, so why rush?!

A couple of end of the year conversations I had with 4th graders.  I tried to record their English as accurately as I could remember.

Ashwaq - Miss, I do not like (insert Arabic word for school with boys and girls) because them have exams and still go school.  We (insert Arabic word for school with just girls) khallas, finished (wipe hands together twice).
Me - Oh, so students at mixed schools have to take final exams.
Ashwaq - Yeah, not nice.
Me - Well, then I'm glad you go to a girls' school so you can be finished, khallas, with school!

The conversation continued about 5 minutes later.

Ashwaq - Miss, I am sad.
Me - Why?
Ashwaq - School finished and I will miss you and my friends.
Me - Ashwaq, five minutes ago you said you were glad that school was over!
Giggles from the class
Ashwaq - No.  I want stay at school!
More giggles and laughter
Me - Well, what will you do?
Ashwaq - Read and learn! (isn't that what every teacher wants to hear!!!!)
Me - Can you read and learn at home?
Ashwaq - I want school, I wll do nothing at home.
Me - Go to the library and get books so you can read at home (need to plug the new library at Al Ain Mall).
Ashwaq - OK, but I will miss you. 
Me - I will miss you too, Ashwaq (and I will)

A different conversation outside after the party

Rawan - Miss, where you go teach?
Me - Emirates National School.
Rawan - thinking for a minute.  OK I go with you!
Me - You want to go to Emirates National School?
Rawan - Yes, I tell mother I go to Emirates National School.
Me - Oh Rawan, that is so sweet!  I hope to see you there!

One more conversation sitting in the room.
Me - Zainab, where are you going for the summer?
Zainab - Maybe Franceuh.
Me - Rawan, where are you going?
Rawan - Maybe France.
Me - So you are going with Zainab?
Rawan and Zainab look at each other and laugh.
Rawan - No, Miss just maybe France.
Me - Moza, where are you going?
Moza - Maybe Thailand.
Zainab - Thailand?  Too hot.  I do not like Thailand.   Thailand not nice.
Me - I went to Thailand and it was very nice.
Zainab - Yes, nice, but too hot.  Need to go Franceuh.
Me - Well, I bet if Moza goes to Thailand she'll have fun.

4th graders
3rd graders

That's it!  I will miss these girls.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

End of School

Just a few things have happened in the week since I posted last. 
  1. I finally got the exit procedure from ADEC!  Now I can actually get started on that.  It looks like it will be quite intense and involve many trips to the Zone, but at least not Abu Dhabi!  I started today and couldn't get as much done as I wanted to because I didn't have all the information necessary.  I got Ms. Keltham (principal) to sign my form and then went to the Zone to get the signature stating that I had turned in all borrowed IT equipment.  The guy had to make a call to Abu Dhabi to confirm that I had returned everything (which was actually nothing) that I borrowed; took about 10 mintues.  Hey, that's better than driving to Abu Dhabi!  Actually before that I went to Customer Services at the Zone (where I was told to go) and then was redirected to the 3rd floor.  No big deal.  But while at customer service I found out that I needed to have my clearance form stamped by the school and I needed to bring a copy of the acceptance of my resignation.  I had no idea.  That wasn't in the email.  Fortunately the lady there was understanding and there were other LTs who were in the same situation.  So back again tomorrow!  I will get the required stamp, print out the acceptance of my resignation and return to the Zone.  At least it's only 10 mintues from school.  Once there the financial department will start on the exit pay.  Then when they are finished I will pick up the clearance form and continue working.
  2. Weekend in Dubai was not fun at all.  I can only describe it as being homesick again.  The Wilson's were my family in Dubai and now they are gone.  I stayed with Lucia, which was fine, but just not the same.  I do not like this situation at all.  Although I do not like this situation, I know everything God does is right and just and He has a perfect plan. That helps, but it is still hard to accpet.  Lucia lives in Bur Dubai, which is a bit more into the city so a lot more traffic which was annoying, but praise God I got there and back home without getting lost!  I know I will adjust, just like I adjusted to being away from my family the first time.  I most likely will not continue to stay with Lucia simply because she only has 1 bedroom and it is quite tight.  She's being very hospitable to let me stay, but her daughter will be coming in July and then it will be even tighter!  So I will try to find someone else to stay with when I return in August.
  3. I booked my flight home!  I will be arriving in Detroit on July 14th at 9:42am!!  Only 34 more days.  I am trusting God that I will have my passport back and all the necessary procedures will be finished by then.  I am not sure how long I will be staying as that is up to ENS and I haven't heard from them.  Now that I know when I will be in the States it's time to start planning that vacation!  I want to take Alexa and Mason to an indoor water park in Frankenmuth and I know we'll be going to the zoo.  I'll plan a trip to visit Michelle and Angie in Portland, MI, but other than that I don't think I'll be doing too much.  I will not be in the States long enough to travel to visit other friends:(  Sorry NC folks.  I'll catch you all next time!
  4. ENS.  Nothing new since the last post.  I will be emailing Brian, the principal, to find out if he can answer any housing questions and to see if he can do anything about getting me a late flight back to the UAE.
  5. As of my last post the last day of school for the students was June 21.  As per living and working in the UAE, that was changed to June 14 and then again to June 12.  Tuesday will be the students' last day, but my last day is still July 12.  One month without kids, what am I going to do?!  I will be bored because I will not be getting ready for next year and there is no Internet.  I guess I will be doing a lot of reading!
  6. Gotta start packing, selling stuff, and getting ready to move (again!).  Seems like that's all I do!!!
  7. See all you MI folks in July!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

What's Going On?

Not too much!  But I know there are some interested parties, so I will try to elaborate a bit on that.

School has been going well.  End of the year assessments are over and now it's time for the fun stuff!  Stuff I should have been doing all year, but can never seem to fit it in.  The girls did well on their assessments.  They all showed growth in reading level and the number of high frequency words they could recognize.  My third graders showed growth on letter/sound recognition.  They really just have to work on vowels and letter sounds that they don't have in Arabic.  Thing is ADEC expects them to pronounce all sounds correctly by 3rd grade.  That's just not happening.  Their writing is improving as well.  Most, not all, actually write in sentences with capital letters and periods (3rd and 4th grade).  4th graders are beginning to use commas!  Math is a different story.  They don't know their facts so that makes it hard for them.  So, I have been emphasizing facts at school.  I have been telling parents to work with them at home on memorizing the facts, but that's not happening either so now we're working on it at school.  Like I said, something that I should have been doing all along but there really isn't any time and it's something so easy they can do it at home but they don't.  My 4th graders found out I won't be there next year and they were pretty upset.  I haven't told them where I'll be, but Cindy suggested telling them and seeing how many follow me!!  That would be funny!  The teachers know that I am leaving and they want me to stay too.  It's a nice feeling to be wanted, but I don't want to stay there.  One of the teachers, I don't know her name, has a son who will be in 4th grade next year so she said that I would see her everyday as she dropped her son off and picked him up.  I guess I should find out her name!!  End of the year meetings are underway and I really don't want to be there.  Most of them have to do with what is going to happen next year, and honestly I don't care.  I am praying that my attitude would change because I have to go to the meetings and I should have a Christ like attitude while there.  So that's what I'm praying for and that maybe God would use me in the meetings somehow.  The last day for students is June 21.  We'll see what happens!  My last day is July 12 and we found out that all we have to do on the 12th is sign in and then we can leave!!  Thank God!  That was a terrible day last year when I knew that my friends at other schools were just signing in and leaving.  So, that's about all that is happening at school.

New School.  Not much to report here.  My resignation has finally been accepted!  I haven't gotten any information with 100% certainity from ENS (Emirates National School) about moving.  90% sure that I will be able to move before I leave, but not 100%.  90% is about all I'm going to get this early!  I will be emailing this week to see if they have figured out where I will be living and if they can give me a date when I can move.  I have to try, right?!

Weekends in Dubai are going to change.  Cindy and her family are going back to the States and then to Doha:(  Doha's in Qatar, by the way.  I will miss them, but I know that I will continue to keep in touch with Cindy and Sarah via email, facebook, and skype.  I am going to try to spend the weekends with Lucia, but I'm not sure how it's going to go.  She only rents a room in a 2 bedroom apt. so we'll be sharing a room.  It will be different, but I know, and like Lucia so I'm going to give it a try.

Summer plans.  Right now, there are none:(  I want to book a flight but I am waiting for the exit procedure from ADEC.  I am emailing them this week, as well, to try to find out if I'll be able to get everything done and have my passport back so I can leave by July 13 or 14 at the latest.

Lots of unknowns and lots of changes, but I know God knows and He is in control and I will rest in His ultimate plan and His perfect timing!!  That's what I'm praying.

109 at 7:40.  It's getting HOT!