Friday, January 25, 2013


What is home?  Webster defines it in various ways:
  1. one's place of residence
  2. the social unit formed by a family living together
  3. a familiar or usual setting: congenial environment: the focus of one's domestic attention: "home is where the heart is"
I personally think it's a lot more than simply a place of residence.  I like the last one; "home is where your heart is" and right now my heart is in MI.  I think the two words go together: home and family.  Can you have a home without family?  You can have a house, but is that truly a home?  Sure you can make anyplace a home by being surrounded by friends and family, but it's difficult to make this place home when my family is 7, 156 miles from me.  I am missing my home and my family.  Maybe because I just came back from being at home, maybe because I'm 37 and feeling the need to settle down and have a home, or maybe simply because I miss my mom and dad and brother and sisters and niece and nephew.  OK that's not all that simply.

Yes, God has blessed me tremendously with wonderful friends here in the UAE and I am extremely thankful for them, so maybe I shouldn't be homesick, because God has me here for His purpose and I need to know and believe that it is for the best.  But, I still am missing my family.

Homesick today:(

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