Sunday, November 7, 2010

I went back

Due to my lack of understanding and participation in my Arabic lesson on Thursday I did not get much out of it.  All of the lessons are building upon the previous one and I didn't want to be behind, that would only make it more frustrating for me.  So I asked, yes I asked, my instructor if I could come for an extra lesson today.  She agreed and I went.

It was extremely difficult to go back, but I needed to.  I went and tried.  I didn't produce the sounds correctly, but at least I tried.  I even specifically asked for help with the most difficult one.  Which meant that I had to say it.  And believe it or not, I survived.

She even prepped me for tomorrow's lesson, which includes the most difficult sounds.  Of course!  At least I know in advance and had the opportunity to practice for a bit.  I can prepare myself mentally for tomorrow.

I will not give up!

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