Friday, August 13, 2010


Yeah, I know Ludington isn't abroad but it is a wonderful destination in MI!  My parents and I went to Ludington yesterday.  Ann, Mark, and Nancy couldn't get the time off work and Amy was sick so it was just me and my parents.  We had a great time on Lake Michigan and just spending time together before I leave.  I can't believe that I'm leaving tomorrow.  The day came so quickly.  I was ready a week ago, but now I'm not.  This is going to be such a huge change!  I can't wait to meet new people and experience something so new and different, but I am scared as well.  Tomorrow and Sunday will be long days; lots of flying.  I should arrive in Abu Dhabi Sunday at 7:25.  Hopefully customs and immigration goes smoothly!  So next time I write I will actually be living abroad!!!

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